Local Authentication

Local Authentication is used to authenticate users on the local appliance. It also allows you to manage password aging, password complexity, and account lockout criteria. To access this window, go to Configuration > Account Management > Local Authentication.

Click to expand in new window
Field Description

Max Login Attempts

The maximum amount of login attempts before a user is locked out of an account. You must also specify if the account is locked within a time limit or no time limit.

Password must be changed after x days

The number of days a password can be used before it expires. Once expired, users are required to change passwords.

High complexity password required

If checked, users are required to use a highly complex password when creating passwords.

After setting up the Local Authentication, click the Apply button to save the configuration. Click the Reset button to discard any changes and revert back to the previous settings.

The Check Synchronization button is used to check all appliances in the network to ensure they are using the same Local Authentication. (The synchronization features works basically the same way wherever the feature is implemented. Synchronizing Accounts has a good example of how the synchronization feature works.)



You must have a Central Management license in order to use the Check Synchronization feature.

Click the X in the top, right corner to exit the Local Authentication Synchronization overlay.