License Status

License status is determined by:

Clicking on a license will display the following information about the license.

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Field Description

Order Date

Indicates the date the license was ordered and the license ID number.

License Count

Includes the following information:

  • The number of units. The number of active units cannot exceed this number. Unit counts may be 0, a specific number, or unlimited.
  • A style that specifies that the unit count is fixed or floating. Fixed licenses get consumed as they are used and are not released. Floating licenses get released when they are not being used anymore.
  • A unit identifier. Units may be Sensors, APs, switch, etc.
  • A maximum value limiting the number of units.
  • A warning limit used to display an alarm that the unit count is being approached and that user should consider purchasing additional licenses.

License Valid Date

Displays the expiration date and the start date of the license. A warning date is also displayed, indicating when the customer will be issued a warning that the license will soon expire. Unlimited indicates an expiration date of 9999-12-31.

Maintenance Date

Displays the expiration date and start date of the maintenance agreement with the customer. Unlimited indicates an expiration date of 9999-12-31.


Displays the number of licenses that you can reassign and how many reassignments that you have left.