CLI Commands

CLI commands are used to configure devices to your specification. Each device has its own set of CLI commands. You can edit the CLI commands for a defined profile using the Edit button.



Only experienced administrators should edit the CLI commands for a device! Any invalid command that is present in your network could disable a device.
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AirDefense can update a new default configuration or an existing configuration of a device by manipulating the displayed configuration file and its CLI command set. This CLI command set represents a template that can be applied to other related devices or just a single . The template has placeholders for providing variable values for full or partial device configurations. The placeholders follow a syntax convention defined by AirDefense. For example, there is a configuration command to define the WAN's IP address (ipadr 1 $[IP("1")]. The template file has a (ipadr 1 $[IP("1")] value that can manually updated. The updated (ipadr 1 $[IP("1")] variable is fed through a AirDefense variance file and applied to a device (or groups of devices). Create these configuration variances as required to perform configuration updates to other supported devices through AirDefense.