You can edit any user in the User Management &
Configuration screen by selecting the icon next
to the its entry in this list.
AirDefense uses the User Creation screen to edit the user account details.
All details for this user account are pre-filled in the fields of this screen and can be modified. However, you cannot modify the User Name for the selected account.
If you do not want to modify your account's password, do not modify the password entered in the New Password field. When saving your other modifications, AirDefense will retain the existing password for this account. However, if you only want to modify the password for this account, enter the same password in the New Password and the Confirm Password fields and then save your changes.For more information on the fields of this screen, see Add User.
Use the small X button located to the top left of the dialog to close it. AirDefense does not prompt you to save your changes when exiting this dialog. You will lose any unsaved changes when exiting this dialog.