AirDefense Alarm Model

Suppressed Alarm Repetition

AirDefense has made significant advancements in the Alarm Model, dramatically decreasing the occurrence of repetitious alarms. In the new Alarm Model, the AirDefense appliance leverages the extensive data it collects about security events to determine whether events are:

Based on this distinction, AirDefense is able to display alarms for unique events and suppress repetitive alarms for ongoing events. This provides better correlation between individual security events and individual alarms.

How an Alarm is Generated

Violations are reported internally to the appliance every minute as events.

The AirDefense wireless security research team maintains algorithms for correlating observed security events, to identify when a predefined high water mark for the event is reached. The high water mark, in its simplest terms, is a number of identical events that occur within a specific period of time. When the high water mark is reached, it triggers an alarm on the GUI.

Example-Generated Alarm

Three XYZ events within a 30-minute period defines the high-water mark for XYZ events. If the appliance detects three or more such events within any 30-minute period, an alarm is triggered.

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Duration of Alarm

The alarm stays active for a period of time after the security event ends. This period of time is called the duration. The duration is user-configurable, although AirDefense has determined default duration times correlated to the expected life-cycle of each specific event. When the duration time ends, the alarm becomes inactive. You can use the forensic analysis to view historical alarms.