General Tab

The General tab is where you name your Security Profile and specify whether or not you want to use certain functions.

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The Name field specifies the profile name. If you are adding or copying a Security Profile, ADSP gives the profile a default name beginning with New_Security_Profile and ending with a system generated number. You should change the default name to one that is more appropriate to its function. Once you save your profile, you cannot change the name.

The Applies to SSID field specifies a SSID that the Security Profile applies to. This must be a valid SSID used in your system. The Preferences are:

Preference Description

Unsanctioned Wireless Clients

Choose to allow unsanctioned Wireless Clients or not to allow unsanctioned Wireless Clients in your system.

SSID Broadcast in Beacon

Choose to allow the BSS SSID to be broadcast in its beacon or not to allow the BSS SSID to be broadcast in its beacon. SSIDs are not passwords. Many BSSs allow their SSIDs to broadcast by default.

Wireless Clients

Choose to allow Wireless Clients to be isolated in your system or allow Wireless Clients to communicate in your system.