Auto License Management

Auto-Licensing allows you to select licenses to be assigned to devices upon discovery.

You may define Auto-Licensing at the appliance network level all the way down to the floor network level, but the best practice is to always define Auto-Licensing at the appliance level. Any network level below the appliance level will inherit the configuration. If you need to have a different configuration below the appliance level, use the Override settings option for the selected level.

The Override settings option is available when you select (highlight) a network level below the Appliance level. Use the Expand icon in the Structure & Tags pane to reveal the other levels. By default, the licenses settings are inherited from the level above the current level.

When applying Auto Licensing the following rules apply:

  • Only selected licenses, those explicitly selected by using the option control next to that license, are assigned automatically

  • You can narrow the scope of the license by selecting the network level from the Structure & Tags pane.

  • A license will not be assigned if there are no licenses available to apply.

  • After a license is applied, the number of available licenses is reduced accordingly.

To enable or disable Auto Licensing for the selected licenses:

  1. Select the Enable Configuration switch to enable applying Auto Licensing for your various licenses. At a level that is lower than the Appliance level, select the Override button.

    When you select the Enable Configuration switch or the Override radio control, option controls appear next to all the licenses.



    Option controls next to the ADSP Platform and Central Management are disabled by default as these are the base licenses available with all AirDefense instances.
  2. Select the option control for each license that you want to auto apply.

    The AUTO LICENSE button is enabled. This button is located to the top right of the pane.

  3. Select those licenses that you want modified and then select the AUTO LICENSE button.

    The Enable/Disable Auto Licensing dialog displays.

    Click to expand in new window
  4. Review the list of licenses that you have enabled or disabled.
  5. Select the ENABLE button to enable the selected licenses.

    All feature licenses that are auto-licensed are indicated with the icon. Normal licenses are indicated with the icon.

    The process to change the selected licences from Auto Licenses to normal licenses is the same. Select the DISABLE button instead.

    At anytime, select the CANCEL button to cancel this activity.



    Please note that Auto License is only available till the Enable Configurations switch is set to On. It is not enabled if the Enable Configuration switch is set to Off.