Device Action Manager

The Device Action Manager allows you to automatically apply rules to devices in your system. By automating your response to certain predefined conditions, you are free to concentrate on other administrative task; thus reducing management overhead. You may define as rules as you need to manage your network.

Click to expand in new window

The Device Action Manager table displays one rule per row using the following columns:

Column Description


Specifies if a template defining a rule is marked for use.

Template Name

The name of the template defining a rule.

Once a template is added to the Device Action Manager, you can edit, copy, or delete it by selecting (highlighting) a template and then clicking on the appropriate link that appears to the right of the template.

The Device Action Manager supports two types of rule sets: one for Wireless Clients/BSSs and one for Infrastructure devices. AirDefense uses a dual purpose button to access the rule sets:

Clicking the drop-down menu button displays a menu where you can select one of the rule sets. The last option that you select becomes the button.