Add or Edit User Accounts

Click the New User Account button to access the New User Account overlay.

Click to expand in new window

Use the following table to configure the user account:

Field Description


The account name of the user.

Full Name

Enter a formal name of the user, if desired.


Enter a description of the user account, if desired.

New Password

Enter a new password for the user.

Note: Password must include lowercase letters and uppercase letters. Password must be 6-32 characters in length. Password may not contain spaces or tabs.

Verify Password

Enter the new password again to verify the password.

Lock Account

Check this checkbox if you want to lock the account.

Lock after x days inactivity

Check this checkbox if you want to lock the account after x amount of days of no use. Select the Show Passwords checkbox to reveal passwords.

Change password at next logon

Check this checkbox if you want to force the user to change password at the next logon. Select the Show Passwords checkbox to reveal passwords.

Feature Permissions

Limits users to specific functions within ADSP. Functional areas include:

  • Device Tuning
  • Alarm Management
  • Appliance Management
  • Alarm Criticality
  • Network Management
  • Threat Mitigation
  • System Configuration
  • Reporting
  • Analysis Tools
  • AP Test
  • Vulnerability Assessment
  • Connection Troubleshooting.

You can apply a template or you can select individual functions for users to access. The following templates are available:

  • Admin - Gives users read/write permission to all functional areas.
  • Guest - Gives users read permission to Alarm Management, Reporting, Analysis Tools, and Connection Troubleshooting. No access is provided for the other functional areas.
  • Helpdesk - Gives users read/write permission to Connection Troubleshooting. No access is provided for all other function areas.
  • Operation Center - Gives users read/write permission to all functional areas except Appliance Management, Network Management, and System Configuration. No access is provided for these three function areas.

Functional Roles

Gives access to the following Functional Roles:

  • Security - Manage security alarms
  • Platform Monitoring - Manage the alarms that monitor the platform (system)
  • Locationing - Manage the alarms triggered by Location Based Services
  • Performance Monitoring and Troubleshooting - Manage the alarms that monitor platform (system) performance and alarms generated by troubleshooting features such as AP Test
  • Infrastructure Management - Manage the alarms dealing with infrastructure management

Select the appropriate checkbox(es).

Scope Permissions

Limits user operations to a specific scope within the network with the highest level being the entire system. You can drill down to the lowest level and limit user operations to a specific floor within the network or anywhere in-between.

Once you have configured the user options, click Save to save the user account. A message
The new User Account is created Successfully
is briefly displayed (top-right area of overlay) to confirm the account addition. AirDefense iwill alert you to any errors. You can display more information about the error by clicking on the error message.

Click the X next to the Save button to close the New User Account overlay panel.