Sys Log

The Sys Log action sends an alarm notification to your Sys Log server if the conditions defined in the filter are met. To select the Sys Log action, select Info Gathering > Sys Log > Sys Log from the Search Options.

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The following fields should be filled:

Field Description

Server Address

Specifies the IP address of your Syslog server.

Syslog Port

Specifies the port you want to use for Syslog Notifications.


Specifies a Syslog Facility which is an information field associated with a Syslog message. It is defined by the Syslog protocol. The intent of the facility is to provide an indication as to what part of the system the Syslog message originated.

This facility can be very helpful to define rules that split messages, for example, to different log files based on the facility level.

Choose a Syslog Facility from the drop-down menu.
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Specifies the format of the notification. At this time, the only option is Syslog.

Email Send Time

Specifies when to send the email by selecting one of the following conditions:

  • On Alarm Activation
  • On Activation, clear or expire
  • Every x amount of minutes or hours.

Priority Map

The Priority Map enables you to change the name of the default priorities to an alternate selection. Click on the drop-down menu for the priority you would like to change and choose from the list. For example, if you want to change the priority for Severe, select an option from the Severe drop-down menu.
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