View Security Profile

Use the Security Profile screen to view a list of these profiles configured for you Extreme AirDefense managed system. A security profile is set of configurations that control how your alarms are generated.

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Security Profile Screen

The screen displays the following information:

Field Description
Template Name The name of the security profile.

The actions that can be performed on the security profile. The icons in this field enable you to manage your security profile. You can edit your profile, create a new profile by creating a duplicate of the profile, or delete the profile.

The following actions can be performed:

  • View Profile - To view a security profile, use the icon for the profile. The details for this profile is displayed in a separate dialog.

  • Duplicate Profile - Use the icon to create a duplicate of the selected profile. A duplicate of this profile is created and the configuration dialog displays the newly created security profile. Customize the duplicate profile to meet your requirements.

  • Delete Profile - Use the icon to delete the selected security profile.

  • Edit Profile - Use the to edit the security profile. A configuration dialog displays where you can make changes to the selected security profile. For more information, see Edit a Security Profile.

To apply one or more security profiles to a particular scope (location), select the context from the Structure & Tags area. If permissions for this level are inherited from its parent, change the control to Override. Select the check-box next to each selected security profile to enable it for the selected scope (location). Click the APPLY button to apply the override for the selected context.

To add more security profiles, use the icon located to the top right of this screen. For more information see Add a Security Profile.

View a Security Profile

Use the icon for a security profile to view its details. A configuration dialog displays all the details about this security profile.

Click to expand in new window

The following information is displayed for each security profile.

Field Description
Profile Name The name of this security profile.
General Information The General Information field displays the following information for this security profile.
The SSID that is covered by this security profile.
Communication to Wireless clients
The permissions set for enabling wireless clients to communicate with each other. Displays Enforce Isolation if the wireless clients are not allowed to communicate with each other.
Allow Unsanctioned Wireless Clients
The permission to allow unsanctioned Wireless Clients. Displays false if unsanctioned wireless clients are not allowed.
Allow SSID Broadcast in Beacon
The status of allowing SSID to be broadcast in the beacon. Displays false if SSID cannot be broadcast in the beacon.
Privacy Settings The privacy setting configured for this security profile. When privacy settings are configured, this field displays Enabled. The following additional configuration information is also displayed.
Base 802.11 Authentication
The Base 802.11 authentication in use with this security profile. Displays Open or Shared.
Extended 802.11 Authentication
The Extended 802.11 authentication used with this security profile. Displays WPA, WPA2, or Symbol KeyGuard.
Advanced Key Generation
The key generation algorithm used with this security profile.
802.11 Encryption
The 802.11 encryption system used with this security profile.
Other Encryption
Other encryption schemes used with this security profile.
Rate Settings The configured rate settings used with this security profile. Selects the transmit and receive data rates for the BSSs to use.

Use the icon located to the top right of this screen to edit the settings for the current security profile. For more information, see Edit a Security Profile