
The Report action runs a specific report if the conditions defined in the filter are met. To select the Report action, select Notifications > Report and then select Report from the Search Actions.

Click to expand in new window

The following configuration fields are available:

Field Description

Report Type

Specifies the type of report to run by selecting a report from the drop-down menu.

Scope Increase factor

Specifies the number of network levels to expand the scope. A value of 1 means only use the floor level. A value of 2 means use the floor and the floor's parent, and so forth.

Run immediate for previous

Executes the action immediately for the previous hours, days, or weeks.

Run on alarm clear / expire

Executes the action when a alarm clears or when a alarm expires. You have the option to execute for the duration of the alarm or for the previous hours, days, or weeks.


Specifies how to publish the report in Web Reporting: SHARED or PRIVATE. A shared report can be viewed by others. A private report can only be viewed by you. You should name the report to identify it.


Specifies that you want to email the report when it runs. You have the option to email the report in one of the following formats: HTML, PDF, or CSV. You must furnish the email address of the person receiving the report.