Spectrum Analysis

The Spectrum Analysis action runs a regular Spectrum Analysis or an Advanced Spectrum Analysis using the specified profile if the conditions specified in the Filters tab are met.

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Spectrum Analysis Configuration

Provide the following configuration information.

Field Description
Time Limit Specifies a time duration for the Spectrum Analysis to run. Time can be set in number of minutes. Use the spinner control to configure this value.
File Name Prefix Specifies the prefix for the spectrum analysis file. This prefix is used when creating your spectrum analysis file.
Spectrum Settings Select this tab for configuring the regular Spectrum Analysis settings.
Advanced Spectrum Settings Select this tab for configuring the Advanced Spectrum Analysis settings.

Hover on the Spectrum Analysis box to view a synopsis of its configuration.

Spectrum Setting

Provide the following configuration information for the normal Spectrum Analysis

Field Description
Scan Type Select one of Full Scan or Interference Scan.
  • Full Scan scans the entire 2.4GHz bandwidth (in 5MHz steps) and 5GHz bandwidth (in 20MHz steps) with a short dwell time (around 50 ms). It supports limited classification of interference sources.

  • Interference Scan scans three frequencies in the 2.4GHz band and three frequencies in the 5GHz band with a longer dwell time (around 500 ms). It supports classification for all interference sources.

Pulse Definition Defines the values for each pulse when performing Spectrum Analysis. Use the Threshold control to set the pulse threshold value in dBm. Use the Width control to define the gap between two consecutive pulses.

Advanced Spectrum Settings

Provide the following configuration information for the Advanced Spectrum Analysis

Select the scan type. Select one of Dedicated Scan or In-Line Scan.

For each of the above scan types, provide the following configurations:

Field Description
Scan Time Defines the scan time in milliseconds. Use the spinner control to set this value. The default value is 1000 milliseconds.
Threshold For both the 2.4 GHz and 5.0 GHz bands, set the threshold value in dBM.
Duty Cycle Threshold For both the 2.4 GHz and 5.0 GHz bands, set the duty cycle threshold value in dBM.