Schedule Spectrum Analysis

You can schedule Spectrum Analysis for regular Spectrum Analysis or Advanced Spectrum Analysis by selecting File > Schedule Spectrum Analysis.

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The fields used to schedule a Spectrum Analysis are:

Field Description


There are five options to schedule an assessment. Depending on the option you select, you must fill in the related fields as follows:

  • One Time Schedule—Choose a time for the assessment by selecting a time from the Time drop-down menu. Then, select a day for the assessment by clicking the Calendar button in the Date field and selecting a date.
  • Intra-Day Schedule—Select a time to begin the assessment. Then, select a frequency in hours.
  • Daily Schedule—Select a frequency in day, weekdays only, or weekends only. Then, select a time of day.
  • Weekly Schedule—Choose a frequency in days. Then, select a day or multiple days to conduct the assessment by clicking the checkbox next to the day to place a checkmark in the box.
  • Monthly Schedule—Choose the months that you want to run a assessment by clicking the checkbox next to the month(s) to place a checkmark in the box(es). Then, select a day of the month to conduct the assessment. Last, specify a time of day.

Time Limit

Places a time limit on how long the Spectrum Analysis will run.

File Name Prefix

Defines a prefix for the Spectrum Analysis (ADSA) file that is saved when the Spectrum Analysis is complete. You may add to the prefix if you want to. The saved file can be opened by selecting Menu > Open > Spectrum Analysis .

Spectrum Settings

Only used in regular Spectrum Analysis. These are the same Spectrum Settings described under In the Sensor Operation settings of the Sensor Monitoring category under the Configuration tab, there is an option to enable background scanning..

Advanced Spectrum Settings

Only used in Advanced Spectrum Analysis. These are the Dedicated Scan Settings described under Each time a scan is started, the table clears and is updated when data becomes available..

You can switch devices by clicking Search button.

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When searching, you can supply additional information such as:

Once you have entered the search criteria, click the Search Now button. The results are displayed in the Results area. Select the device that you want to run Spectrum Analysis on and then click Close.