show system

show system


This command displays the aggregated output of the following commands:
  • show switch
  • show version
  • show temperature
  • show power
  • show fans
  • show odometers

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or variables.



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view the collected output of individual system commands.


X460G2-24t-10G4.3 # show system 
show switch  

SysName:          X460G2-24t-10G4 
SysContact:, +1 888 257 3000 
System MAC:       00:04:96:97:E9:EE 
System Type:      X460G2-24t-10G4 

SysHealth check:  Enabled (Normal) 
Recovery Mode:    All 
System Watchdog:  Enabled 

Current Time:     Fri Dec 12 22:48:59 2014 
Timezone:         [Auto DST Disabled] GMT Offset: 0 minutes, name is UTC. 
Boot Time:        Fri Dec 12 12:16:43 2014 
Boot Count:       957 
Next Reboot:      None scheduled 
System UpTime:    10 hours 32 minutes 15 seconds 

Current State:    OPERATIONAL 
Image Selected:   primary 
Image Booted:     primary 
Primary ver: 
Secondary ver: 

Config Selected:  primary.cfg 
Config Booted:    primary.cfg 

primary.cfg       Created by ExtremeXOS version                  
                  232530 bytes saved on Sat Dec  6 20:14:20 2014 

show version 

Switch      : 800549-00-01 1405G-00125 Rev 1.0 BootROM:    IMG: 
PSU-1       : Internal PSU-1 800386-00-06 1402E-41536 
PSU-2       : 

Image   : ExtremeXOS version trunk by developer 
          on Thu Dec 11 22:53:44 EST 2014 
BootROM : 
Diagnostics : 2.1 

show temperature 

Field Replaceable Units               Temp (C)   Status   Min  Normal      Max 
Switch         : X460G2-24t-10G4        61.28    Normal     0   10-100     110 
-A-1           : 
-B-1           : 
show power 

PowerSupply 1 information: 
  State             : Powered On 
  PartInfo          : Internal PSU-1 1402E-41536 800386-00-06 
  Input             : 119.87 V AC 
  Output 1          : 12.02 V,  3.84 A   (12V/300W Max) 
  Power Usage       : 62.37 W 

PowerSupply 2 information: 
  State             : Empty 

System Power Usage : 62.37 W 
 Poll Interval     : 60 s 
 Change Threshold  : N/A 
 Change Action     : N/A 

show fans 

Slot-1 FanTray information: 
 State:                  Operational 
 NumFan:                 6 
 PartInfo:               1350G-00507 800560-00-01 
 Revision:               1.0 
 Fan-1:                  Operational at 3360 RPM 
 Fan-2:                  Operational at 3180 RPM 
 Fan-3:                  Operational at 3240 RPM 
 Fan-4:                  Operational at 6720 RPM 
 Fan-5:                  Operational at 6840 RPM 
 Fan-6:                  Operational at 6720 RPM 

show odometers 
                                        Service   First Recorded 
Field Replaceable Units                 Days     Start Date 
Switch         : X460G2-24t-10G4            253  Mar-13-2014


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 16.1.

Platform Availability

This command is available on the Summit X450-G2, X460-G2, X670-G2, X770, and ExtremeSwitching X440-G2, X590, X620, X690, X870 series switches.