Undocking and docking tabs

About this task

Perform this procedure to undock a tab. You can undock tabs to have more than one tab visible at a time.


  1. In the navigation pane, click a tab.
  2. In the menu bar, click and drag a tab to undock it.
  3. In the top right corner of the tab, click pages to dock the tab.

Example of Undocking and Docking Tabs


  1. Select the Device Physical View tab.
  2. In the Device Physical View, select a port. In this example, right-click port 1.
  3. In the Port shortcut menu, click Edit General.
  4. Select and drag the Port 1/1 General tab wherever you want on the screen as shown in the following figure.
    Click to expand in new window
  5. To reposition the tab anywhere on the screen, Select and drag the title bar.
  6. To manipulate the tab, Select on the buttons in the top-right of the dialog box.
    Click to expand in new window
  7. Select the up arrowhead to minimize the tab as shown in the following figure.
    Click to expand in new window
    Click to expand in new window
  8. Select the down arrowhead to restore the tab to its original size.
  9. Select the pages to dock the tab back into the menu bar.
  10. Select the X to close the tab.