configure log target syslog

configure log target syslog [all | ipaddress | ipPort] {vr vr_name} {local0...local7} from source-ip-address


This command specifies the source-ip-address to use when sending log messages to the syslog server. The syslog server's IP address along with the ipPort and local facility (a tuple) identify which syslog server target is to be configured.

Syntax Description

syslog Specifies a syslog target.
all Specifies all of the remote syslog servers.
ipaddress Specifies the syslog server‘s IP address.
ipPort Specifies the UDP port number for the syslog target.

Specifies the virtual router that can reach the server IP address.

Note: User-created VRs are supported only on the platforms listed for this feature in the Feature License Requirements document.
local0 ... local7 Specifies the local syslog facility.
source-ip-address Specifies the local source IP address to use.


If a virtual router is not specified, the following virtual routers are used:
  • ExtremeXOS 10.1—VR-0
  • ExtremeXOS 11.0 and later—VR-Mgmt

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to identify and configure the syslog server‘s IP address. By configuring a source IP address, the syslog server can identify from which switch it received the log message.

Options for configuring the remote syslog server include:
  • all—Specifies all of the remote syslog server hosts
  • ipaddress—The IP address of the remote syslog server host
  • ipPort—The UDP port
  • vr_name—The virtual router that can reach the syslog host
  • local0-local7—The syslog facility level for local use
  • from—The local source IP address

If you do not configure a source IP address for the syslog target, the switch uses the IP address in the configured VR that has the closed route to the destination.


The following command configures the IP address for the specified syslog target:

configure log target syslog from


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 10.1.

The UPD port parameter and support for the EMS to send log messages to Syslog servers having IPv6 address was added in ExtremeXOS 16.2.

Platform Availability

This command is available on all platforms.