Disables pausing at the end of each show screen.
This command has no arguments or variables.
The command line interface (CLI) is designed for use in a VT100 environment.
Most show command output will pause when the display reaches the end of a page. This command disables the pause mechanism and allows the display to print continuously to the screen.
CLI paging is only active on a per-shell session basis. In other words, when you enable or disable CLI paging from within the current configuration, it only affects that session. For new or existing sessions, paging is enabled by default. This setting cannot be saved.
To view the status of CLI paging on the switch, use the show management command. The show management command displays information about the switch including the enable/disable state for CLI paging.
The following command disables clipaging and allows you to print continuously to the screen:
disable clipaging
This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 10.1.
This command is available on all platforms.