debug erps show

debug erps show ring-name


Debugs ERPS ring by checking "show" output.

Syntax Description

ring-name Alphanumeric string that identifies the ERPS ring.



Usage Guidelines

To debug this feature, check the output of "show erps" and "show erps ring" to see if the node state is as expected. In steady state, the node should be in "Idle" or "Protected" state.

Check the output of "show erps ring statistics" to see if any error/dropped counters are incrementing. If they are check the state of the ring ports and trace these links to the neighbor node to see the state of the links. The output of "show log" after turning on the filters for ERPS should provide more information on what is happening on the switch.


Example output not yet available and will be provided in a future release.


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 15.1.

Platform Availability

This command is available on all platforms supported in 12.6 and forward that are running ExtremeXOS.