configure sys-health-check interval

configure sys-health-check interval interval


Configures the frequency of sending backplane diagnostic packets.

Syntax Description

interval BlackDiamond X8 and BlackDiamond 8800 series switches—Specifies the frequency of sending backplane diagnostic packets.If backplane diagnostic packets are enabled on a particular slot, the default value for sending diagnostic packets is 5 seconds on that slot.If only polling occurs (this is the system default), the default value is 5seconds. (The polling interval is not a user-configured parameter, and polling always occurs.)


Depending upon your platform, the following defaults apply:

  • BlackDiamond X8 and BlackDiamond 8800 series switches:
    • If backplane diagnostics are enabled on a particular slot, the default for sending packets is 5 seconds on that slot.
    • The polling interval is always 5 seconds (this is a not a user-configured parameter).

Usage Guidelines

Use this command with the guidance of Extreme Networks Technical Support personnel.

The system health checker tests I/O modules and the backplane by forwarding backplane diagnostic packets. Use this command to configure the amount of time it takes for the packets to be forwarded and returned to the MSM.

To enable backplane diagnostic packets, use the enable sys-health-check slot slot command. With backplane diagnostic packets enabled on a specific slot, the interval option of the configure sys-health-check interval command specifies the frequency of sending backplane diagnostic packets. For example, if you specify an interval of 9, backplane diagnostic packets are sent every 9 seconds on only the enabled slot.



We do not recommend configuring an interval of less than the default interval. Doing this can cause excessive CPU utilization.

BlackDiamond X8 and BlackDiamond 8800 Series Switches Only

By default, the system health checker always polls the control plane health between MSMs/MMs and I/O modules, monitors memory levels on the I/O module, monitors the health of the I/O module, and checks the health of applications and processes running on the I/O module. If the system health checker detects an error, the health checker notifies the MSM/MM.

You must enable the backplane diagnostic packets feature to send backplane diagnostic packets. If you enable this feature, the system health checker tests the data link for a specific I/O module every 5 seconds by default. The MSM/MM sends and receives diagnostic packets from the I/O module to determine the state and connectivity. If you disable backplane diagnostics, the system health checker stops sending backplane diagnostic packets.


The following examples assume that you enabled backplane diagnostic packets on a specific I/O slot.

On the BlackDiamond 8800 series switches, the following example configures the backplane diagnostic packet interval to 8 seconds:

configure sys-health-check interval 8


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 10.1.

Platform Availability

This command is available on the BlackDiamond X8 and BlackDiamond 8800 series switches.