
This command is the two-rate form of the police command and is used to establish the traffic policing style for the specified class. For each outcome, the only possible actions are drop, set-cos-as-sec-cos, set-cos-transmit, set-sec-cos-transmit, set-dscp-transmit, set-prec-transmit, or transmit. In this two-rate form of the police command, the conform action defaults to send, the exceed action defaults to drop, and the violate action defaults to drop. These actions can be set with this command once the style has been configured.

Format police-two-rate {1-4294967295 1-4294967295 1-128 1-128 conform-action {drop | set-cos-as-sec-cos | set-cos-transmit 0-7 | set-sec-cos-transmit 0-7 | set-prec-transmit 0-7 | set-dscp-transmit 0-63 | transmit} exceed-action {drop | set-cos-as-sec-cos | set-cos-transmit 0-7 | set-sec-cos-transmit 0-7 | set-prec-transmit 0-7 | set-dscp-transmit 0-63 | transmit} [violate-action {drop | set-cos-as-sec-cos | set-cos-transmit 0-7 | set-sec-cos-transmit 0-7 | set-prec-transmit 0-7 | set-dscp-transmit 0-63 | transmit}]}
Mode Policy-Class-Map Config