show interface counters

This command reports key summary statistics for all the ports (physical/CPU/port-channel).

Format show interface counters
Mode Privileged EXEC
Port The interface associated with the rest of the data in the row.
InOctects The total number of octets received on the interface.
InUcastPkts The total number of unicast packets received on the interface.
InMcastPkts The total number of multicast packets received on the interface.
InBcastPkts The total number of broadcast packets received on the interface.
OutOctects The total number of octets transmitted by the interface.
OutUcastPkts The total number of unicast packets transmitted by the interface.
OutMcastPkts The total number of multicast packets transmitted by the interface.
OutBcastPkts The total number of broadcast packets transmitted by the interface.

The following example shows CLI display output for the command.

(Extreme 220) (Routing) #show interface counters
Port              InOctets      InUcastPkts      InMcastPkts      InBcastPkts
--------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
0/1                      0                0                0                0
Port              InOctets      InUcastPkts      InMcastPkts      InBcastPkts
--------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
0/1               0             0                0                0
0/2               0             0                0                0
0/3           15098             0                31               39
0/4               0             0                0                0
0/5               0             0                0                0
ch1               0             0                0                0
ch2               0             0                0                0
ch64              0             0                0                0
CPU 				359533           0				 3044                217
Port             OutOctets     OutUcastPkts     OutMcastPkts     OutBcastPkts
--------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
0/1               0             0                0                0
0/2               0             0                0                0
0/3 				131369           0                11               89
0/4               0             0                0                0
0/5               0             0                0                0
ch1               0             0                0                0
ch2               0             0                0                0
ch64              0             0                0                0
CPU           4025293           0				 32910					120