
This command gives you access to the Interface Config mode, which allows you to enable or modify the operation of an interface (port). You can also specify a range of ports to configure at the same time by specifying the starting unit/slot/port and ending unit/slot/port, separated by a hyphen.

Format interface {unit/slot/port | unit/slot/port(startrange)-unit/slot/port(endrange)}
Mode Global Config

The following example enters Interface Config mode for port 1/0/1:

(Extreme 220) #configure
(Extreme 220) (Config) #interface 1/0/1
(Extreme 220) (interface 1/0/1)#

The following example enters Interface Config mode for ports 1/0/1 through 1/0/4:

(Extreme 220) #configure
(Extreme 220) (Config) #interface 1/0/1-1/0/4
(Extreme 220) (interface 1/0/1-1/0/4)#