show isdp interface

This command displays ISDP settings for the specified interface.

Format show isdp interface {all | unit/slot/port}
Mode Privileged EXEC

The unit/slot/port of the specified interface.


ISDP mode enabled/disabled status for the interface(s).

The following example shows CLI display output for the command.

(Extreme 220) (Routing) #show isdp interface 0/1
Interface        Mode
---------------  ----------
0/1              Enabled

The following example shows CLI display output for the command.

(Extreme 220) (Routing) #show isdp interface all
Interface        Mode
---------------  ----------
0/1                 Enabled
0/2                 Enabled
0/3                 Enabled
0/4                 Enabled
0/5                 Enabled
0/6                 Enabled
0/7                 Enabled
0/8                 Enabled