BSP Log Messages
Component | Message | Cause |
BSP | Event(0xaaaaaaaa) | Switch has restarted. |
BSP | Starting code... | BSP initialization complete, starting 200 Series application. |
NIM Log Messages
Component | Message | Cause |
NIM | NIM: L7_ATTACH out of order for interface unit x slot x port x | Interface creation out of order. |
NIM | NIM: Failed to find interface at unit x slot x port x for event(x) | There is no mapping between the USP and Interface number. |
NIM | NIM: L7_DETACH out of order for interface unit x slot x port x | Interface creation out of order. |
NIM | NIM: L7_DELETE out of order for interface unit x slot x port x | Interface creation out of order. |
NIM | NIM: event(x),intf(x),component(x), in wrong phase | An event was issued to NIM during the wrong configuration phase (probably Phase 1, 2, or WMU). |
NIM | NIM: Failed to notify users of interface change | Event was not propagated to the system. |
NIM | NIM: failed to send message to NIM message Queue. | NIM message queue full or non-existent. |
NIM | NIM: Failed to notify the components of L7_CREATE event | Interface not created. |
NIM | NIM: Attempted event (x), on USP x.x.x before phase 3 | A component issued an interface event during the wrong initialization phase. |
NIM | NIM: incorrect phase for operation | An API call was made during the wrong initialization phase. |
NIM | NIM: Component(x) failed on event(x) for interface | A component responded with a fail indication for an interface event. |
NIM | NIM: Timeout event(x), interface remainingMask = xxxx | A component did not respond before the NIM timeout occurred. |
SIM Log Message
Component | Message | Cause |
SIM | IP address conflict on service port/network port for IP address x.x.x.x. Conflicting host MAC address is xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx | This message appears when an address conflict is detected in the LAN for the service port/network port IP. |
System Log Messages
Component | Message | Cause |
SYSTEM | Configuration file fastpath.cfg size is 0 (zero) bytes | The configuration file could not be read. This message may occur on a system for which no configuration has ever been saved or for which configuration has been erased. |
SYSTEM | could not separate SYSAPI_CONFIG_FILENAME | The configuration file could not be read. This message may occur on a system for which no configuration has ever been saved or for which configuration has been erased. |
SYSTEM | Building defaults for file file name version version num | Configuration did not exist or could not be read for the specified feature or file. Default configuration values will be used. The file name and version are indicated. |
SYSTEM | File filename: same version (version num) but the sizes (version size – expected version size) differ | The configuration file which was loaded was of a different size than expected for the version number. This message indicates the configuration file needed to be migrated to the version number appropriate for the code image. This message may appear after upgrading the code image to a more current release. |
SYSTEM | Migrating config file filename from version version num to version num | The configuration file identified was migrated from a previous version number. Both the old and new version number are specified. This message may appear after upgrading the code image to a more current release. |
SYSTEM | Building Defaults | Configuration did not exist or could not be read for the specified feature. Default configuration values will be used. |
SYSTEM | sysapiCfgFileGet failed size = expected size of file version = expected version | Configuration did not exist or could not be read for the specified feature. This message is usually followed by a message indicating that default configuration values will be used. |