clock summer-time date

Use the clock summer-time date command to set the summer-time offset to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). If the optional parameters are not specified, they are read as either 0 or \0, as appropriate.

Format clock summer-time date {date month year hh:mm date month year hh:mm}[offset offset] [zoneacronym]
Mode Global Config
Parameter Description
date Day of the month. Range is 1 to 31.
month Month. The range is the first three letters by name (for example, Jan).
year Year. The range is 2000 to 2097.
hh:mm Time in 24-hour format in hours and minutes. The range is hours: 0 to 23, minutes: 0 to 59.
offset The number of minutes to add during the summertime. The range is 1 to 1440.
acronym The acronym for the summer-time to be displayed when summertime is in effect. Up to four characters are allowed.

The following example shows how the command could be entered.

(Extreme 220) (Config) # clock summer-time date 1 nov 2011 3:18 2 nov 2011 3:18
(Extreme 220) (Config) # clock summer-time date 1 nov 2011 3:18 2 nov 2011 3:18 offset 120 zone INDA