View Virtual Services Resources

About this task

Perform the following procedure to view the number of remaining virtual services resources on the switch.


  1. In the navigation pane, expand Configuration > Serviceability.
  2. Select Virtual Service.
  3. Select the Globals tab.

Globals Field Descriptions

Use data in the following table to use the Globals tab.




Shows the remaining disk space available, in Gigabytes (GB).


Shows the remaining number of CPU cores available.


Shows the remaining amount of memory size available, in Megabytes (MB).


Specifies the source file to copy. To specify a location, use the format: {VM_NAME_SRC}:{VM_FILE_PATH} or {NOS_FILE_PATH}. For example, figw:/home/rwa/configs/ipsec1.cfg identifies a file located in the VM. /intflash/ipsec1.cfg identifies a file located in the NOS. The valid path for a NOS location can be one of the following:

  • /intflash

  • /extflash

  • /usb

  • /var/lib/insight/packages


Specifies the destination file to copy. To specify a location, use the format: {VM_NAME_DST}:{VM_FILE_PATH} or {NOS_FILE_PATH}. For example, figw:/home/rwa/configs/ipsec1.cfg identifies a file located in the VM. /intflash/ipsec1.cfg identifies a file located in the NOS. The valid path for a NOS location can be one of the following:

  • /intflash

  • /extflash

  • /usb

  • /var/lib/insight/packages


Specifies an action to copy a file from source to destination. The switch supports the following action:

  • Copy

  • None


Specifies the virtual service name. You must specify the virtual service name if you use this tab to change the password or run a command.


Specifies the Virtual Machine (VM) command to run. To include spaces in the syntax, include the text string in quotation marks (").


Specifies the virtual service user name. The range is 0-20 characters.


Specifies the virtual service password.


Specifies the command to send to the Fabric IPsec Gateway VM. For more information about Fabric IPsec Gateway commands, see VOSS CLI Commands Reference.