Display Power StatusNEW!

About this task

Perform the following procedure to display information about the installed power supplies.


  1. To enter User EXEC mode, log on to the switch.
  2. Display power supply information:
    • show sys-info power
    • show sys power power-supply


Display power supply information:

Switch:1#show sys-info power

Power Info :
Power  Type    Input     Serial         Part                  Oper   Max     Fan         Hardware
Supply         Voltage   Num            Num                   Status Power   FlowType    Revision
PS#1   AC      110/220   1234A-12345    10951                 UP     715     front-back  14

Power          Voltage   Voltage        Current    Current    Power     Power
Supply         in[V]     out[V]         in[A]      out[A]     in[W]     out[W]
PS#1           235.75    54.81          0.24       0.55       44.50     30.00
Switch:1>show sys power power-supply
                            Power Supply Information
Power  Type    Input    Serial           Part             Oper   Max      Fan      Hardware
Supply         Voltage  Num              Num              Status Power    FlowType Revision
PS#1   AC      unknown  --               --               DOWN   0        front-back --
PS#2   AC      110/220  2041U-30076      801092-00-01     UP     150      front-back 01

Power            Voltage    Voltage          Current    Current          Power      Power
Supply           in[V]      out[V]           in[A]      out[A]           in[W]      out[W]
PS#1             --         --               --         --               --         --
PS#2             240.25     12.08            0.21       1.53             23.41      18.72