View KHI Segmented Management Instance Information

Use the following commands to view Key Health Indicator (KHI) for segmented management instance interface information of the switch.


  1. To enter User EXEC mode, log on to the switch.
  2. View KHI management instance statistics:

    show khi mgmt statistics [clip | oob | vlan]


The following example displays output from a switch with only an OOB interface configured.

Switch:1>show khi mgmt statistics
                               Packet Counters - Interface Mgmt-oob
Packet Type                 Rx Packets           Tx Packets           Rx Packets Dropped
Ssh                         1624                 1552                 0
DhcpBootpClient             0                    0                    13
DhcpBootpServer             0                    0                    17425
OtherUdpEphemeral           0                    0                    83
OtherUdpWellKnown           0                    0                    560
Icmp-echo-request           227                  0                    0
Icmp-echo-reply             0                    4                    0
Arp-reply                   25                   290                  0
Arp-request                 38165                25                   0
V6-Http                     0                    0                    111
IcmpV6-echo-reqest          336                  0                    0
IcmpV6-echo-reply           0                    336                  0
IcmpV6-dest_unreachable     0                    111                  0
IcmpV6-nd-nbr-solicit       133                  139                  0
Icmpv6-nd-nbr-advert        147                  133                  0