Configure SPBM IPv6 Shortcuts

You must enable IPv4 Shortcuts before you enable IPv6 Shortcuts because IPv6 Shortcuts depend on IPv4 Shortcuts for some functions.
Use ipv6 interface address to create a CLIPv6 interface with an IPv6 address.
Use ipv6 ipv6–source-address to specify the CLIPv6 interface as the source address for IPv6 Shortcuts.
Use spbm ipv6 enable to enable IPv6 Shortcuts.
Use ipv6 redistribute {bgp | direct | isis | rip | ospf | static} enable to control the redistribution of GRT IPv6 routes into the SPBM IS-IS domain.
Use ipv6 route preference protocol spbm–level1 to change route preference values for IPv6 Shortcut routes learned through IS-IS.
To enable IPv6 Shortcuts on the BEBs, you must configure a circuitless IPv6 (CLIPv6) address (loopback address), and specify this address as the IS-IS source address. This source address is automatically advertised into IS-IS using TLV 236. In addition, to advertise routes from the BEBs into the SPBM network, you must enable route redistribution of direct and static routes into IS-IS.

The loopback address on each switch or BEB must all be in different subnets to ensure connectivity between them. To do this, use a 32-bit mask with the CLIP address, and the CLIPv6 address prefix must be 128.
Before you begin
You must configure the required SPBM and IS-IS infrastructure, which includes the creation of SPBM B-VLANs.
Before redistributing routes into IS-IS, you must create the Customer VLANs, add slots/ports, and add the IPv6 addresses and network masks.
Switch:1>enable Switch:1#configure terminal Switch:1(config)#interface loopback 123 Switch:1(config-if)#ipv6 interface address 123::1/128 Switch:1(config-if)#exit Switch:1(config)#router isis Switch:1(config-isis)#ipv6 ipv6-source-address <non-link-local ipv6–address> Switch:1(config-isis)#spbm 1 ipv6 enable Switch:1(config-isis)#show isis spbm ============================================================================================================== SPBM B-VID PRIMARY NICK LSDB IP IPV6 MULTICAST SPB-PIM-GW STP-MULTI INSTANCE VLAN NAME TRAP HOMING -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 10 1.11.16 disable disable disable disable disable enable ============================================================================================================== ISIS SPBM SMLT Info ============================================================================================================== SPBM SMLT-SPLIT-BEB SMLT-VIRTUAL-BMAC SMLT-PEER-SYSTEM-ID INSTANCE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 primary 00:00:00:00:00:00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Num of SPBM instances: 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Variable Definitions
The following table defines parameters for the IPv6 Shortcuts commands.
Variable |
Value |
ipv6-source-address WORD<0-46> |
Specifies the source IPv6 address for locally generated IPv6 packets whose egress port is an SPBM network-to-network interface (NNI) port. The WORD<0-46> value must be a locally configured loopback IPv6 address (CLIPv6). Use the no option to delete the specified IPv6 address. |
spbm<1–100> ipv6 enable |
Enables or disables SPBM IPv6 Shortcuts. The default is disabled. Use the no or default options to disable SPBM IPv6 Shortcuts. |
ipv6 route preference protocol spbm–level1 <0–255> |
Sets the route preference value for IPv6 Shortcut routes learned through IS-IS. The default preference is 7. |
ipv6 redistribute {bgp | direct | static | ospf | rip} enable |
Specifies the GRT IPv6 route that you want to redistribute into the SPBM IS-IS domain. The default is disabled. Use the no option to disable the redistribution. |