Keywords such as vlan, stp, and other second-level keywords are reserved and you cannot use them as object names. This restriction only applies to the specific word e.g (vlan); you can use expanded versions e.g (vlan2) of the word.
A complete list of the reserved keywords for ExtremeXOS 12.4.2 and later software is displayed in Reserved Keywords. Any keyword that is not on this list can be used as an object name.
The list of reserved keywords is not exhaustive, and more will be added as new features are added. A failure to create an object with the following error means that the keyword is reserved:"Name cannot be a reserved keyword."
Reserved Keywords | ||||
aaa access-list account accounts acl auto-peering auto-provision avb bandwidth banner bfd bgp bootprelay bootrom brm bvlan cdp cfgmgr cfm checkpoint- data clear clear-flow cli clipaging configuration configure cos-index counters cp cpu-monitoring create cvlan dcbx delete devmgr dhcp dhcp-client dhcp-server dhcpv6 diagnostics diffserv disable dns dns-client dos-protect dot1ag dot1p dot1q ds dwdm eaps edp elrp elrp-client |
elsm ems enable epm erps esrp ethernet evpn exit exsh-var fabric failsafe- account fdb firmware flow-redirect force_synchronize forwarding get gptp hal hclag icmp identity- management idletimeout idmgr igmp image inline-power ip ip-fix ip-mtu ip-security iparp ipconfig ipforwarding ipmc ipmcforwarding ipmroute iproute ipstats ipv6 ipagent |
irdp isid isis jumbo-frame jumbo-frame-size kernel l2pt l2stats l2vpn lacp ldap learning led license license-info licenses licMgr lldp load log logout mac mac-binding mac-lockdown- timeout mac-locking macsec management mcast mcm mcmgr memory memorycard meter mirror mlag mld modify mpls mrp msdp msgsrv msrp mstp mv mvr mvrp neighbor- discovery netlogin nettools network-clock node nodealias ntp orchestration ospf ospvdebug ospfv3 otm packet performance |
pim poe policy ports power printk private-vlan process protocol put pwmib q qosprofile qosscheduler quit radius radius- accounting refresh rip ripng rmon router- discovery rtmgr run safe-default- script save screen script security session set sflow sharing show slot slot-poll- interval slpp snmp snmpMaster snmpv3 sntp-client source ssh2 sshd2 ssl stacking stacking- support stm stp stpd svlan switch |
sys-health-check syslog sys-recovery- level system tacacs tech-support telnet telnetd tftpd throw thttpd time trusted-servers tunnel