

Configures support for forwarding of non-unicast (multicast and broadcast) frames on this radio

Supported in the following platforms:


non-unicast [forwarding|queue|tx-rate]
non-unicast forwarding [follow-dtim|power-save-aware]
non-unicast queue [<1-200>|bss]
non-unicast queue [<1-200>|bss <1-16> <1-200>]
non-unicast tx-rate [bss <1-16>|dynamic-all|dynamic-basic|highest-basic|lowest-basic]
non-unicast tx-rate bss <1-16> [dynamic-all|dynamic-basic|highest-basic|lowest-basic]


non-unicast forwarding [follow-dtim|power-save-aware]
non-unicast forwarding Enables non-unicast frame forwarding on this radio. Once enabled, select one of the available options to specify whether these frames should always follow DTIM, or only follow DTIM when using power save aware mode.
follow-dtim Specifies frames always wait for the DTIM interval to time out. The DTIM interval is configured using the beacon command. This is the default setting.
power-save-aware Enables immediate forwarding of frames only if all associated wireless clients are in the power save mode
non-unicast queue [<1-200>|bss <1-16> <1-200>]
non-unicast queue Enables non-unicast frame forwarding on this radio. Once enabled, specify the number of broadcast packets queued per BSS on this radio. This option is enabled by default.

This command also enables you to override the default on a specific BSS.

<1-200> Specify a number from 1 - 200. This value applies to all BSSs. The default is 50 frames per BSS.
bss <1-16> <1-200> Overrides the default on a specified BSS
  • <1-16> – Select the BSS number from 1 - 16.
    • <1-200> – Specify the number of broadcast packets queued for the selected BSS from 1 - 200.
non-unicast tx-rate [bss <1-16>|dynamic-all|dynamic-basic|highest-basic|lowest-basic]
non-unicast tx-rate Enables non-unicast frame forwarding on this radio. Once enabled, use one of the available options to configure the rate at which these frames are transmitted.
bss <1-16> Overrides the default on a specified BSS
  • <1-16> – Select the BSS number from 1 - 16. The transmit rate selected is applied only to the BSS specified here. The tx-rate options are: dynamic-all, dynamic-basic, highest-basic, lowest-basic.
dynamic-all Dynamically selects a rate from all supported rates based on current traffic conditions
dynamic-basic Dynamically selects a rate from all supported basic rates based on current traffic conditions
highest-basic Uses the highest configured basic rate. This is the default setting.
lowest-basic Uses the lowest configured basic rate


nx9500-6C8809(config-profile-510TestProfile-if-radio1)#non-unicast queue bss 2 3

nx9500-6C8809(config-profile-510TestProfile-if-radio1)#non-unicast tx-rate bss 1 dynamic-all

nx9500-6C8809(config-profile-510TestProfile-if-radio1)#show context
 interface radio1
  data-rates b-only
  mesh client
  guard-interval long
  aggregation ampdu tx-only
  aeroscout forward
  ekahau forward ip port 3
  non-unicast tx-rate bss 1 dynamic-all
  non-unicast tx-rate bss 2 highest-basic
  non-unicast tx-rate bss 3 highest-basic
  non-unicast tx-rate bss 4 highest-basic
  non-unicast tx-rate bss 5 highest-basic
  non-unicast tx-rate bss 6 highest-basic
  non-unicast tx-rate bss 7 highest-basic
  non-unicast tx-rate bss 8 highest-basic
  non-unicast tx-rate bss 9 highest-basic
  non-unicast tx-rate bss 10 highest-basic
  non-unicast tx-rate bss 11 highest-basic
  non-unicast tx-rate bss 12 highest-basic
  non-unicast tx-rate bss 13 highest-basic
  non-unicast tx-rate bss 14 highest-basic
  non-unicast tx-rate bss 15 highest-basic
  non-unicast tx-rate bss 16 highest-basic
  non-unicast queue bss 1 50
  non-unicast queue bss 2 3
  max-clients 100
  airtime-fairness prefer-ht weight 6
  extended-range 15

Related Commands

no (radio-interface-config-command) Resets the handling of non-unicast frames to its default