
MeshConnex (MCX) is a mesh networking technology that is comparable to the 802.11s mesh networking specification. MeshConnex meshing uses a hybrid proactive/on-demand path selection protocol, similar to Ad-hoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocols. This allows it to form efficient paths using multiple attachment points to a distribution WAN, or form purely ad-hoc peer-to-peer mesh networks in the absence of a WAN. Each device in the MeshConnex mesh proactively manages its own path to the distribution WAN, but can also form peer-to-peer paths on demand to improve forwarding efficiency.

MeshConnex is not compatible with MiNT Based meshing, though the two technologies can be enabled simultaneously in certain circumstances.

MeshConnex is designed for large-scale, high-mobility outdoor mesh deployments. MeshConnex continually gathers data from beacons and transmission attempts to estimate the efficiency and throughput of each MP-to-MP link. MeshConnex uses this data to dynamically form and continually maintain paths for forwarding network frames.

In MeshConnex systems, a meshpoint is a virtual mesh networking instance on a device, similar to a WLAN AP. On each device, up to 4 MPs can be created and 2 can be created per radio. MPs can be configured to use one or both radios in the device. If the MP is configured to use both radios, the path selection protocols continuously selects the best radio to reach each destination. Each MP participates in a single Mesh Network, defined by the MeshID. The MeshID is typically a descriptive network name, similar to the SSID of a WLAN. All MPs configured to use the same MeshID attempt to form a mesh and interoperate. The MeshID allows overlapping mesh networks to discriminate and disregard MPs belonging to different networks.

Use the (config) instance to configure meshpoint related configuration commands. To navigate to the meshpoint instance, use the following command:

<DEVICE>(config)#meshpoint <MESHPOINT-NAME>
nx9500-6C8809(config)#meshpoint test
Mesh Point Mode commands:
  allowed-vlans  Set the allowed VLANs
  beacon-format  The beacon format of this meshpoint
  control-vlan   VLAN for meshpoint control traffic
  data-rates     Specify the 802.11 rates to be supported on this meshpoint
  description    Configure a description of the usage of this meshpoint
  force          Force suboptimal paths
  meshid         Configure the Service Set Identifier for this meshpoint
  neighbor       Configure neighbor specific parameters
  no             Negate a command or set its defaults
  root           Set this meshpoint as root
  security-mode  The security mode of this meshpoint
  shutdown       Shutdown this meshpoint
  use            Set setting to use
  wpa2           Modify ccmp wpa2 related parameters

  clrscr         Clears the display screen
  commit         Commit all changes made in this session
  do             Run commands from Exec mode
  end            End current mode and change to EXEC mode
  exit           End current mode and down to previous mode
  help           Description of the interactive help system
  revert         Revert changes
  service        Service Commands
  show           Show running system information
  write          Write running configuration to memory or terminal


The following table summarizes meshpoint configuration commands.

Table: Meshpoint-Config commands

Command Description
allowed-vlans (meshpoint-config) Configures VLANs allowed on the meshpoint
beacon-format (meshpoint-config) Configures the beacon format for the meshpoint AP
control-vlan (meshpoint-config) Configures the VLAN where meshpoint control traffic traverses
data-rates (meshpoint-config) Configures the data rates supported per frequency band
description (meshpoint-config) Configures a human friendly description for this meshpoint
force (meshpoint-config) Forces formation of sub-optimal paths through the meshpoint‘s root node
meshid (meshpoint-config) Configures a unique ID for this meshpoint
neighbor (meshpoint-config) Configures the neighbor inactivity time out for this meshpoint
root (meshpoint-config) Configures a meshpoint as the root meshpoint
security-mode (meshpoint-config) Configures the security mode on the meshpoint.
service (meshpoint-config) Allows only 802.11n capable neighbors to create a mesh connection
shutdown (meshpoint-config) Shuts down the meshpoint
use (meshpoint-config) Associates a QoS policy with this meshpoint
wpa2 (meshpoint-config) Configures WPA2 encryption settings
no (meshpoint-config) Removes or reverts this Meshpoint settings


For more information on common commands (clrscr, commit, help, revert, service, show, write, and exit), see Common Commands.


The input parameter <HOSTNAME>, wherever used in syntax across this chapter, cannot include an underscore (_) character. In other words, the name of a device cannot contain an underscore.