

Enables Energy-Efficient Ethernet (EEE) on the selected GE port. The IEEE 802.3az standard, also known as EEE, defines a set of enhancements that allows physical layer transmitters to consume less power when they are in a state of idleness or low data activity. By enabling EEE, you allow the network port to switch between an active mode (during data transmission) and idle mode (when there is no Ethernet traffic).

IEEE 802.3az refers to this state of idleness as Low Power Idle (LPI). When enabled, in the LPI mode, both ends of the Ethernet link disable operating circuitry that are not needed and save power.



Energy-Efficient Ethernet can be activated only if devices at both ends of the physical link support EEE.

Supported in the following platforms:






The following command shows the state of Energy-efficient Ethernet, where:
  • Enable: Indicates if Energy-Efficient Ethernet is enabled or disabled on the selected physical port. A value of '1' indicates enabled and '0' indicates disabled.
  • Active: Indicates if Energy-Efficient Ethernet is active or inactive on the selected physical port. A value of '1' indicates EEE is active and '0' indicates inactive. Note, this functionality will be active only if the devices on both ends of the physical link support EEE.
ap505-13403B#show interface ge 1
Interface ge2 is UP
  Hardware-type: ethernet, Mode: Layer 2, Address: 94-9B-2C-13-40-39
  Index: 2002, Metric: 1, MTU: 1500
  Speed: Admin Auto, Operational 1G, Maximum 2.5G
  Duplex: Admin Auto, Operational Full
  EEE: Enable 1, Active 1
  Active-medium: n/a
  Switchport settings: access, access-vlan: 1
    Input packets 0, bytes 0, dropped 0
    Received 0 unicasts, 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts
    Input errors 0, runts 0, giants 0
    CRC 0, frame 0, fragment 0, jabber 0
    Output packets 0, bytes 0, dropped 0
    Sent 0 unicasts, 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts
    Output errors 0, collisions 0, late collisions 0
    Excessive collisions 


Related Commands

no Disables EEE on the selected GE port