
Use the (config) instance to configure L2TPV3 policy parameters. To navigate to the L2TPV3 policy instance, use the following commands:
<DEVICE>(config)#l2tpv3 policy <L2TPV3-POLICY-NAME>
nx9500-6C8809(config)#l2tpv3 policy L2TPV3Policy1
L2tpv3 Policy Mode commands:
  cookie-size             Size of the cookie field present in each l2tpv3 data
  failover-delay          Time interval for re-establishing the tunnel after
                          the failover (RF-Domain
                          manager/VRRP-master/Cluster-master failover)
  force-l2-path-recovery  Enables force learning of servers, gateways etc.,
                          behind the l2tpv3 tunnel when the tunnel is
  hello-interval          Configure the time interval (in seconds) between
                          l2tpv3 Hello keep-alive messages exchanged in l2tpv3
                          control connection
  no                      Negate a command or set its defaults
  reconnect-attempts      Maximum number of attempts to reestablish the
  reconnect-interval      Time interval between the successive attempts to
                          reestablish the l2tpv3 tunnel
  retry-attempts          Configure the maximum number of retransmissions for
                          signaling message
  retry-interval          Time interval (in seconds) before the initiating a
                          retransmission of any l2tpv3 signaling message
  rx-window-size          Number of signaling messages that can be received
                          without sending the acknowledgment
  tx-window-size          Number of signaling messages that can be sent
                          without receiving the acknowledgment

  clrscr                  Clears the display screen
  commit                  Commit all changes made in this session
  end                     End current mode and change to EXEC mode
  exit                    End current mode and down to previous mode
  help                    Description of the interactive help system
  revert                  Revert changes
  service                 Service Commands
  show                    Show running system information
  write                   Write running configuration to memory or terminal

The following table summarizes L2TPV3 policy configuration commands:
Table 1. L2TPV3-Policy-Config Commands
Command Description
cookie-size Configures the cookie field size for each L2TPV3 data packet
failover-delay Configures the L2TPV3 tunnel failover delay in seconds
force-12-path-recovery Enables the forced detection of servers and gateways behind the L2TPV3 tunnel
hello-interval Configures the interval, in seconds, between L2TPV3 "Hello" keep-alive messages exchanged in the L2TPV3 control connection
reconnect-attempts Configures the maximum number of retransmissions for signalling messages
reconnect-interval Configures the interval, in seconds, between successive attempts to re-establish a failed tunnel connection
retry-attempts Configures the maximum number of retransmissions of signalling messages
retry-interval Configures the interval, in seconds, before initiating a retransmission of any L2TPV3 signaling message
rx-window-size Configures the number of signaling messages received without sending an acknowledgment
tx-window-size Configures the number of signaling messages transmitted without receiving an acknowledgment
no (l2tpv3-policy-config-mode-command) Removes this L2TPv3 policy settings or reverts them to default values


For more information on common commands (clrscr, commit, help, revert, service, show, write, and exit), see Common Commands.


The input parameter <HOSTNAME>, wherever used in syntaxes across this chapter, cannot include an underscore (_) character. In other words, the name of a device cannot contain an underscore.