user-role commands

The following table summarizes the user role configuration commands:
Table 1. User-Role-Mode Commands
Commands Description
ap-location Configures an AP deployment location based filter
assign Configures upstream/downstream rate limits and VLAN ID assigned to clients matching the filters defined in the user-defined role
authentication-type Configures an authentication type based filter
captive-portal Configures a captive portal based filter
city Configures a city name based filter
client-identity Associates a client-identity (device fingerprinting) based filter
company Configures a company name based filter
country Configures a country name based filter
department Configures a department name based filter
emailid Configures a e-mail ID based filter
employee-type Configures a employee type ID based filter
employeeid Configures a employee ID based filter
encryption-type Configures an encryption type filter
group Configures a RADIUS group based filter
memberOf Assigns an Active Directory (AD) group to this user-defined role
mu-mac Configures MAC address and mask based filter
radius-user Configures a wireless client filter based on the RADIUS user name
ssid Configures a SSID based filter
state Configures a user role state to match
title Configures a ‘title‘ string to match
use Associates a IP and/or MAC ACL with this role. These ACLs specify the action taken when a client matches this user-defined role.
user-defined Defines a filter based on an attribute defined in the Active Directory or the OpenLDAP server
no (user-role-config-mode-command) Removes or resets the filters configured on this user-defined role