
Use the (profile or device context) instance to configure a L2TPv3 tunnel. To navigate to the tunnel configuration mode, use the following command in the profile context:
<DEVICE>(config-profile-default-<device-name>)#l2tpv3 tunnel <TUNNEL-NAME>
nx9500-6C8809(config-profile-default-nx5500)#l2tpv3 tunnel Tunnel1
nx9500-6C8809(config-profile default-nx5500-l2tpv3-tunnel-Tunnel1)#
nx9500-6C8809(config-profile default-nx5500-l2tpv3-tunnel-Tunnel1)#?
L2tpv3 Tunnel Mode commands:
  establishment-criteria  Set tunnel establishment criteria
  fast-failover           Configure fast failover for l2tpv3 tunnels
  hostname                Tunnel specific local hostname
  local-ip-address        Configure the IP address for tunnel. If not
                          specified, tunnel source ip address would be chosen
                          automatically based on the tunnel peer ip address
  mtu                     Configure the mtu size for the tunnel
  no                      Negate a command or set its defaults
  peer                    Configure the l2tpv3 tunnel peers. At least one peer
                          must be specified
  preempt                 Preemption of secondary tunnel when primary comes
  router-id               Tunnel specific local router ID
  session                 Create / modify the specified l2tpv3 session
  use                     Set setting to use

  clrscr                  Clears the display screen
  commit                  Commit all changes made in this session
  end                     End current mode and change to EXEC mode
  exit                    End current mode and down to previous mode
  help                    Description of the interactive help system
  revert                  Revert changes
  service                 Service Commands
  show                    Show running system information
  write                   Write running configuration to memory or terminal

nx9500-6C8809(config-profile default-nx5500-l2tpv3-tunnel-Tunnel1)#
The following table summarizes L2TPV3 tunnel configuration commands:
Table 1. L2TPV3-Tunnel-Config Commands 
Command Description
establishment-criteria Configures L2TPV3 tunnel establishment criteria
fast-failover Configures fast-failover support on the L2TPv3 tunnel
hostname Configures tunnel specific local hostname
local-ip-address Configures the tunnel's IP address
mtu Configures the tunnel's MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) size
peer Configures the tunnel's peers
preempt Enables preemption of secondary tunnel when primary tunnel comes back. And, configures the interval after which the the secondary tunnel is preempted.
router-id Configures the tunnel's local router ID
session Creates/modifies specified L2TPV3 session
use Configures a tunnel to use a specified L2TPV3 tunnel policy
no (l2tpv3-tunnel-config-mode-command) Removes this L2TPv3 tunnel settings or reverts them to default value