

This section explains crypto map configuration mode commands in detail.

A crypto map entry is a single policy that describes how certain traffic is secured. There are two types of crypto map entries: ipsec-manual and ipsec-ike. Each entry is given an index (used to sort the ordered list).

IPSec VPN provides a secure tunnel between two networked peers. Administrators can define which packets are sent within the tunnel, and how they're protected. When a tunneled peer sees a sensitive packet, it creates a secure tunnel and sends the packet through the tunnel to its remote peer destination.

Tunnels are sets of SA between two peers. SAs define the protocols and algorithms applied to sensitive packets and specify the keying mechanisms used by tunneled peers. SAs are unidirectional and exist in both the inbound and outbound direction. SAs are established per the rules and conditions of defined security protocols (AH or ESP).

IKE is a key management protocol standard used in conjunction with IPSec. IKE enhances IPSec by providing additional features, flexibility, and configuration simplicity for the IPSec standard. IKE automatically negotiates IPSec SAs, and enables secure communications without time consuming manual pre-configuration.

Use crypto maps to configure IPSec VPN SAs. Crypto maps combine the elements comprising IPSec SAs. Crypto maps also include transform sets. A transform set is a combination of security protocols, algorithms and other settings applied to IPSec protected traffic. One crypto map is utilized for each IPSec peer, however for remote VPN deployments one crypto map is used for all the remote IPSec peers.

Use the (config) instance to enter thecrypto map configuration mode. To navigate to the crypto-map configuration instance, use the following commands:

In the device-config mode:
<DEVICE>(config-device-<DEVICE-MAC>)#crypto map <CRYPTO-MAP-TAG> <1-1000>  [ipsec-isakmp {dynamic}|ipsec-manual]

In the profile-config mode:
<DEVICE>(config-profile-<PROFILE-NAME>)#crypto map <CRYPTO-MAP-TAG> <1-1000>  [ipsec-isakmp {dynamic}|ipsec-manual]

There are three different configurations defined for each listed crypto map: site-to-site manual (ipsec-manual), site-to-site-auto tunnel (ipsec-isakmp), and remote VPN client (ipsec-isakmp dynamic). With site-to-site deployments, an IPSec tunnel is deployed between two gateways, each at the edge of two different remote networks. With remote VPN, an access point located at remote branch defines a tunnel with a security gateway. This facilitates the end points in the branch office to communicate with the destination endpoints (behind the security gateway) in a secure manner.

Each crypto map entry is given an index (used to sort the ordered list).

nx9500-6C8809(config-profile-default-ap8533)#crypto map map1 1 ipsec-manual
Manual Crypto Map Configuration commands:
  local-endpoint-ip     Use this IP as local tunnel endpoint address, instead
                        of the interface IP (Advanced Configuration)
  mode                  Set the tunnel mode
  no                    Negate a command or set its defaults
  peer                  Set peer
  security-association  Set security association parameters
  session-key           Set security session key parameters
  use                   Set setting to use

  clrscr                Clears the display screen
  commit                Commit all changes made in this session
  do                    Run commands from Exec mode
  end                   End current mode and change to EXEC mode
  exit                  End current mode and down to previous mode
  help                  Description of the interactive help system
  revert                Revert changes
  service               Service Commands
  show                  Show running system information
  write                 Write running configuration to memory or terminal


The following table summarizes crypto map configuration mode commands:

Command Description
crypto-map-ipsec-isakmp-instance Configures an auto site-to-site VPN or remote VPN client
crypto-map-ipsec-manual-instance Configures a manual site-to-site VPN