
Displays Web filtering related information. Use this command to view information on Web requests for content and whether the requests were blocked or approved based on URL filter settings defined for the selected controller or service platform. A URL filter is comprised of several filter rules. A whitelist bans all sites except the categories and URL lists defined in the whitelist. The blacklist allows all sites except the categories and URL lists defined in the blacklist.

Supported in the following platforms:


show web-filter [category|category-type|config|filter-level [basic|high|low|
medium|medium-high]|statistics {on <DEVICE-NAME>}|status]


show web-filter [category|category-type|config|filter-level [basic|high|low|
medium|medium-high]|statistics {on <DEVICE-NAME>}|status]
web-filter Displays an existing and configured Web filter details
category Displays Web filter categories. A category is a pre-defined URL list available in the WiNG software.
category-type Displays the Web filter category types. This is a pre-configured list of categories and sub-categories in to which commonly accessed URLs have been classified.
config Displays all existing Web filters and their configuration details
filter-level [basic| high|low|medium| medium-high] Displays category types for the selected filter-level. Each filter level is pre-configured to use a set of category types. You cannot change the categories in the category types used for these pre-configured filter-level setting. Nor can you add, modify, or remove the category types mapped to a filter-level setting. The options are:
  • basic – Displays all category types configured for the basic filter-level
  • high – Displays all category types configured for the high filter-level
  • low – Displays all category types configured for the low filter-level
  • medium – Displays all category types configured for the medium filter-level
  • medium-high – Displays all category types configured for the medium-high filter-level
statistics {on <DEVICE-NAME>} Displays Web filter statistics on a specified device
  • on <DEVICE-NAME> – Optional. Specifies the device name
    • <DEVICE-NAME> – Specify the name of the AP, controller, or service platform.
Note: Web filtering is a licensed feature, and only when enforced can the system display Web filtering statistics.
status {on <DEVICE-NAME>} Displays Web filter status on a specified device
  • on <DEVICE-NAME> – Optional. Specifies the device name
    • <DEVICE-NAME> – Specify the name of the AP, controller, or service platform.
Note: Web filtering is a licensed feature, and only when enforced can the system display Web filtering status.


nx9500-6C8809(config)#show web-filter category
        Sites that provide advertising graphics or other ad content
        files such as banners and pop-ups.
        Sites that promote or sell alcohol- or tobacco-related
        products or services.
        Sites and proxies that act as an intermediary for surfing to
        other websites in an anonymous fashion, whether to
        circumvent web filtering or for other reasons.
        Sites with artistic content or relating to artistic
        institutions such as theaters, museums, galleries, dance
        companies, photography, and digital graphic resources.
        Sites that use bots (zombies) including command-and-control
nx9500-6C8809(config)#show web-filter config
URL filters configured for this device are:
        Blacklisted categories:
        Whitelisted categories: