
Displays information on the performance of clients using guest access permissions to obtain network resources within the WiNG network. The reporting timeline can be adjusted as needed, as can the RF Domain(s) and WLAN(s) used to filter and report guest client statistics.

Supported in the following platforms:


show guest-registration [age-range|backup-snapshots|browsers|client|devices|
show guest-registration backup-snapshots
show guest-registration [age-range|browsers|devices|gender|os|user-trends|
visitors] time [1-Day|1-Month|1-Week|2-Hours|30-Mins|5-Hours|all] 
{(rfdomain <DOMAIN-NAME>|wlan <WLAN-NAME>)}
show guest-registration client [email|mac|member|mobile|name|time]
show guest-registration client [email <EMAIL-ADDRESS>|mac <MAC>|
member <MEMBER-ID>|mobile <MOBILE-NUMBER>|name <NAME>]
show guest-registration client time [1-Hour|10-Mins|15-Mins|2-Mins|30-Mins|
30-Secs|5-Mins] {(rfdomain <DOMAIN-NAME>|wlan <WLAN-NAME>)}
show guest-registration loyalty-app-status time [1-Day|1-Month|1-Week|2-Hours|
30-Mins|5-Hours|all] {rfdomain <RF-DOMAIN-NAME>|wlan <WLAN-NAME>}
show guest-registration notification-status
show guest-registration social time [1-Day|1-Month|1-Week|2-Hours|30-Mins|
5-Hours|all] {(facebook|rfdomain <DOMAIN-NAME>|wlan <WLAN-NAME>|google)}


show guest-registration backup-snapshots
guest-registration Displays guest registration statistics based on the parameters passed
backup-snapshots Displays a list of periodically backed up snapshots of the database. By default, the system maintains a snapshot of the database on a daily basis.
Note: Use the service > guest-registration > backup [delete|restore] command to delete these snapshots and to restore deleted snapshots. For more information, see service (common commands).
show guest-registration [age-range|browsers|devices|gender|os|user-trends|visitors] 
time [1-Day|1-Month|1-Week|2-Hours|30-Mins|5-Hours|all] {(rfdomain <DOMAIN-NAME>|
wlan <WLAN-NAME>)}
guest-registration Displays guest registration statistics based on the parameters and time entered. Optionally, use the ‘rfdomain‘ and/or ‘wlan‘ keywords to view guest registration statistics for a specified RF Domain and/or WLAN.
age-range Displays the age ranges of logged guest users for a selected time period
browser Displays the browsers used by guest users logged in within a selected time period
devices Displays the device types used by guest users logged in within a selected time period
gender Displays the gender of guest users logged in within a selected time period
os Displays the operating system (OS) of devices logged in within a selected time period
user-trends Displays guest user login trends for a selected time period. It displays statistical data, such as number of new users, number of return users, and total of number users.
visitors Displays type of visitors logged in within a selected time period
time [1-Day|1-Month| 1-Week|2-Hours| 30-Mins|5-Hours|all] Displays guest registration statistics, for a specified time period. The stats displayed depends on the option selected in the previous step. Specify the time period using one of the following options:
  • 1-Day – Displays previous day‘s statistics
  • 1-Month – Displays previous month‘s statistics
  • 1-Week – Displays previous week‘s statistics
  • 2-Hours – Displays last 2 hours statistics
  • 30-Mins – Displays last 30 minutes statistics
  • 5-Hours – Displays last 5 hours statistics
  • all – Displays statistics from the day the database was created
[rfdomain <DOMAIN-NAME| wlan <WLAN-NAME>] Use the following options as additional filters:
  • rfdomain <DOMAIN-NAME> – Optional. Displays guest registration statistics for a specified RF Domain.
    • <DOMAIN-NAME> – Specify the RF Domain name.
  • wlan <WLAN-NAME> – Optional. Displays guest registration statistics for a specified WLAN.
    • <WLAN-NAME> – Specify the WLAN name.
show guest-registration client [email <EMAIL-ADDRESS>|mac <MAC>|member <MEMBER-ID>|
mobile <MOBILE-NUMBER>|name <NAME>]
guest-registration Displays guest registration statistics based on the parameters and time entered. Optionally, use the ‘rfdomain‘ and/or ‘wlan‘ keywords to view guest registration statistics for a specified RF Domain and/or WLAN.
client Displays statistical data for a specific client. Use the e-mail, mac, member, mobile, name to provide a match criteria.
email <EMAIL-ADDRESS> Displays statistical data for the client with e-mail address matching the <EMAIL-ADDRESS> parameter
  • <EMAIL-ADDRESS> – Specify the client‘s e-mail address.
mac <MAC> Displays statistical data for the client with MAC address matching the <MAC> parameter
  • <MAC> – Specify the client‘s MAC address
member <MEMBER-ID> Displays statistical data for the client with member ID matching the <MEMBER-ID> parameter
  • <MEMBER-ID> – Specify the client‘s member ID.
mobile <MOBILE-NUMBER> Displays statistical data for the client with mobile number matching the <MOBILE-NUMBER> parameter
  • <MOBILE-NUMBER> – Specify the client‘s mobile number.
name <NAME> Displays statistical data for the client with name matching the <NAME> parameter
  • <MOBILE-NUMBER> – Specify the client‘s name.
show guest-registration client time [1-Hour|10-Mins|15-Mins|2-Mins|30-Mins|30-Secs|5-Mins] 
{(rfdomain <DOMAIN-NAME>|wlan <WLAN-NAME>)}
guest-registration Displays guest registration statistics based on the parameters and time entered. Optionally, use the ‘rfdomain‘ and/or ‘wlan‘ keywords to view guest registration statistics for a specified RF Domain and/or WLAN.
client Displays statistical data for all clients logged in within a specified time period
time [1-Day|1-Month| 1-Week|2-Hours| 30-Mins|5-Hours|all] Use one of the following options to specify the time period
  • 1-Day – Displays previous day‘s statistics
  • 1-Month – Displays previous month‘s statistics
  • 1-Week – Displays previous week‘s statistics
  • 2-Hours – Displays last 2 hours statistics
  • 30-Mins – Displays last 30 minutes statistics
  • 5-Hours – Displays last 5 hours statistics
  • all – Displays statistics from the day the database was created
[rfdomain <DOMAIN-NAME| wlan <WLAN-NAME>] Use the following options as additional filters:
  • rfdomain <DOMAIN-NAME> – Optional. Displays guest registration statistics for a specified RF Domain.
    • <DOMAIN-NAME> – Specify the RF Domain name.
  • wlan <WLAN-NAME> – Optional. Displays guest registration statistics for a specified WLAN.
    • <WLAN-NAME> – Specify the WLAN name.
show guest-registration loyalty-app-status time [1-Day|1-Month|1-Week|2-Hours|
30-Mins|5-Hours|all] {rfdomain <RF-DOMAIN-NAME>|wlan <WLAN-NAME>}
guest-registration Displays guest registration statistics based on the parameters and time entered
loyalty-app-status Displays captive portal clients‘ Loyalty Application analytics, such as the number of guest clients with loyalty application detection enabled, associating with the captive portal‘s access point during a specified time period.

Loyalty application detection occurs on the access point to which the guest client is associated, allowing a retail administrator to assess whether a captive portal client is using specific retail (loyalty) applications in their captive portal.

For more information on enabling loyalty application detection on a captive portal, see report-royalty-application (captive portal config mode).

time [1-Day|1-Month| 1-Week|2-Hours| 30-Mins|5-Hours|all] Use one of the following options to specify the time period
  • 1-Day – Displays previous day‘s captive portal clients‘ Loyalty Application analytics
  • 1-Month – Displays previous month‘s captive portal clients‘ Loyalty Application analytics
  • 1-Week – Displays previous week‘s captive portal clients‘ Loyalty Application analytics
  • 2-Hours – Displays last 2 hours captive portal clients‘ Loyalty Application analytics
  • 30-Mins – Displays last 30 minutes captive portal clients‘ Loyalty Application analytics
  • 5-Hours – Displays last 5 hours captive portal clients‘ Loyalty Application analytics
  • all – Displays the entire Loyalty Application analytics, from the day the database was created
{rfdomain <RF-DOMAIN-NAME>| wlan <WLAN-NAME>} Optional. Specifies the ‘rfdomain‘ and/or ‘wlan‘ to view guest registration statistics for a specified RF Domain and/or WLAN
  • rfdomain <RF-DOMAIN-NAME> – Displays Loyalty App analytics for a specified RF Domain
    • <RF-DOMAIN-NAME> – Specify the RF Domain name.
  • wlan <WLAN-NAME> – Displays Loyalty App analytics for a specified WLAN
    • <WLAN-NAME> – Specify the WLAN name.
show guest-registration notification-status
guest-registration Displays guest registration statistics based on the parameters and time entered. Optionally, use the ‘rfdomain‘ and/or ‘wlan‘ keywords to view guest registration statistics for a specified RF Domain and/or WLAN.
notification-status Displays guest registration notification status
show guest-registration social time [1-Day|1-Month|1-Week|2-Hours|30-Mins|5-Hours|all]
 {(facebook|rfdomain <DOMAIN-NAME>|wlan <WLAN-NAME>|google)}
guest-registration social Displays the social sites used by guests to register. Optionally, use the ‘rfdomain‘ and/or ‘wlan‘ keywords to view social site used by guests of a specified RF Domain and/or WLAN.
time [1-Day|1-Month| 1-Week|2-Hours| 30-Mins|5-Hours|all] Displays social site statistics for a specified time period. Use one of the following time options:
  • 1-Day – Displays previous day‘s statistics
  • 1-Month – Displays previous month‘s statistics
  • 1-Week – Displays previous week‘s statistics
  • 2-Hours – Displays last 2 hours statistics
  • 30-Mins – Displays last 30 minutes statistics
  • 5-Hours – Displays last 5 hours statistics
  • all – Displays statistics from the day the database was created
facebook Displays guest users using Facebook to log in
rfdomain <DOMAIN-NAME> Displays guest users for a specific RF Domain
  • <DOMAIN-NAME> – Specify the RF Domain name.
wlan <WLAN-NAME> Displays guest users for a specific WLAN
  • <WLAN-NAME> – Specify the WLAN name.
google Displays guest users using Google to log in


nx9500-6C8809#show guest-registration age-range time all
Timeline: all                                                                                                                                                                                                 
AGE RANGE                 COUNT
less_than_18             0 (  0%)
18_to_24                 1 ( 20%)
25_to_34                 0 (  0%)
35_to_44                 1 ( 20%)
45_to_54                 1 ( 20%)
55_to_64                 2 ( 40%)
greater_than_64          0 (  0%)

nx9500-6C8809#show guest-registration browsers time 1-Day rfdomain Test-rfdomain-10
RF Domain: Test-rfdomain-10  Timeline: 1-Day                                                                                                                                                                  
  BROWSER                            COUNT                                                                                                                                                                                
Safari            1 ( 50%)
Chrome            1 ( 50%)

nx9500-6C8809#show guest-registration devices time 30-Mins wlan Test-ssid-9
WLAN: Test-ssid-9  Timeline: 30-Mins
  DEVICE             COUNT
Windows PC           1 (100%)  

nx9500-6C8809#show guest-registration gender time all wlan Test-ssid-10 rfdomain 
RF Domain: Test-rfdomain-10  WLAN: Test-ssid-10  Timeline: all
  GENDER           COUNT
Male               1 ( 50%)
Female             1 ( 50%)
Other              0 (  0%)

nx9500-6C8809#show guest-registration os time 1-Day 
Timeline: 1-Day
    OS               COUNT
Windows 7            3 ( 30%)
Apple iOS            3 ( 30%)
Macintosh            3 ( 30%)
Windows 8            1 ( 10%)

nx9500-6C8809#show guest-registration social time 30-Mins
Timeline: 30-Mins
  SOCIAL            ONLINE          TOTAL
google               1 (100%)       1 ( 10%)
Local                0 (  0%)       9 ( 90%)

nx9500-6C8809#show guest-registration user-trends time all
Timeline: all
            SAMPLE RANGE                    NEW USERS   RETURN USERS   TOTAL
2014-2-16 - 2014-4-17                        0 (  0%)       0 (  0%)       0
2014-4-17 - 2014-6-16                        0 (  0%)       0 (  0%)       0
2014-6-16 - 2014-8-15                        0 (  0%)       0 (  0%)       0
2014-8-15 - 2014-10-14                       0 (  0%)       0 (  0%)       0
2014-10-14 - 2014-12-13                      0 (  0%)       0 (  0%)       0
2014-12-13 - 2015-2-11                      10 (100%)       0 (  0%)      10

nx9500-6C8809#show guest-registration user-trends time 1-Day
Timeline: 1-Day
            SAMPLE RANGE                    NEW USERS   RETURN USERS   TOTAL
23:16 - 3:16                                 0 (  0%)       0 (  0%)       0
3:16 - 7:16                                  0 (  0%)       0 (  0%)       0
7:16 - 11:16                                 0 (  0%)       0 (  0%)       0
11:16 - 15:16                                0 (  0%)       0 (  0%)       0
15:16 - 19:16                                0 (  0%)       0 (  0%)       0
19:16 - 23:16                                0 (  0%)       0 (  0%)       0

nx9500-6C8809#show guest-registration visitors time 30-Mins
Timeline: 30-Mins
New Users                7 ( 70%)
Return Users             3 ( 30%)

nx9500-6C8809#show guest-registration client time 30-Mins email
city           Brooklyn
wlan           Test-ssid-10
name           Guest_9
zip            11204
mobile         9131373709
gender         female
llogintime     2015-01-20 19:11:14.001000
mobileok       on
devtype        Windows PC
createtime     2015-01-20 18:27:14.001000
mac            10-00-00-10-00-09
reg_type       otp
rfd            Test-rfdomain-10
agerange       <18
group          mac_reg_gr1
mid            1234100009
os             Windows 7
exptime        2015-11-16 19:21:14.001000
browser        Safari

nx9500-6C8809#show guest-registration client time 30-Mins rfdomain Test-rfdomain-8
loggedin       yes
wlan           Test-ssid-8
name           Guest_1
locale         en_US
llogintime     2015-01-20 19:15:14
devtype        Macintosh
exptime        2015-11-16 19:21:14
lname          Guest_100000
source         google
mac            10-00-00-10-00-01
id             657669862939196
reg_type       device
fname          Test-Guest_1
rfd            Test-rfdomain-8
agerange       35-44
timezone       7
os             Macintosh
createtime     2015-01-20 18:45:14
group          mac_reg_gr1
browser        Chrome
city           Santa Cruz
group          mac_reg_gr1
name           Guest_2
zip            95062
mobile         3700870747
mid            1234100001
llogintime     2015-01-20 19:18:14
mobileok       on
devtype        Apple iPad
exptime        2015-11-16 19:21:14
createtime     2015-01-20 19:11:14
mac            10-00-00-10-00-02
reg_type       otp
rfd            Test-rfdomain-8
agerange       55-64
wlan           Test-ssid-8
os             Apple iOS
browser        Chrome
city           Los Angeles
group          mac_reg_gr1
name           Guest_5
zip            90001
mobile         9129618672
mid            1234100005
llogintime     2015-01-20 19:20:14
devtype        Macintosh
exptime        2015-11-16 19:21:14
createtime     2015-01-20 19:05:14
mac            10-00-00-10-00-05
reg_type       device
rfd            Test-rfdomain-8
agerange       18-24
wlan           Test-ssid-8
os             Macintosh
browser        Chrome

nx7500-112233#show guest-registration loyalty-app-status time all

Timeline: all
Loyalty App Users                  491 ( 49%)
Others                             510 ( 51%)
