
Displays environmental sensor‘s recorded data. The environmental sensor has to be enabled and configured in order to collect data related to humidity, light, motion, and temperature.


The environmental senor is supported only on an AP 8132. When executed on any controller (other than an AP 8132), the show > environmental-sensor > <parameters> command displays environmental-sensor details for adopted AP 8132s (if any).

Supported in the following platforms:


show environmental-sensor [history|humidity|light|motion|summary|temperature|
show environmental-sensor history {<1-HOUR>|<20-MINUTE>|<24-HOUR>}
show environmental-sensor [humidity|light|motion|summary|temperature|version]


show environmental-sensor history {<1-HOUR>|<20-MINUTE>|<24-HOUR>}
environmental-sensor history Displays environmental sensor history once in every hour, 20 minutes, or 24 hours

History includes the humidity, light, motion, and temperature data recorded by the sensor at specified time interval.

1 hour Optional. Displays environmental sensor history once in every 1 (one) hour
20-minute Optional. Displays environmental sensor history once in every 20 minutes
24-hour Optional. Displays environmental sensor history once in every 24 hours
show environmental-sensor [humidity|light|motion|summary|temperature|version]
environmental-sensor Displays environmental sensor‘s recorded data, based on the parameters passed. The system displays the specified recorded data.

The environmental sensor records data at the following intervals: 20 minutes, 1 hour, and 24 hours

humidity Displays the minimum, average, and maximum humidity recorded
light Displays the minimum, average, and maximum light recorded
motion Displays the minimum, average, and maximum motion recorded
temperature Displays the minimum, average, and maximum temperature recorded
version Displays the hardware and firmware versions
summary Displays a summary of the data recorded at following intervals:


ap8132-711728#show environmental-sensor summary
Maat Device uptime: 0 days 15:25:11
ERROR: Maat device is offline!
threshold polling-interval: 5
historical data polled 0 times per 2-minutes interval since Maat online
motion-sensor: Enabled(Demo)
  current value: 0 detected
                motion detected
  20-minute           0
  1-hour              0
  6-hour              0
  24-hour             0
temperature-sensor: Enabled(Demo)
  current value: -40.00 deg. C
  20-minute         0/0/0
  1-hour            0/0/0
  6-hour            0/0/0
  24-hour           0/0/0
light-sensor: Enabled
  threshold-high:+400.00 threshold-low:+200.00 holdtime:11
  action radio-shutdown: radio-1 and radio-2
  light-on/off event sent:0/0
  current value: 0.00 lux
  20-minute         0/0/0
  1-hour            0/0/0
  6-hour            0/0/0
  24-hour           0/0/0
humidity-sensor: Enabled(Demo)
  current value: 0.00 %
  20-minute         0/0/0
  1-hour            0/0/0
  6-hour            0/0/0
  24-hour           0/0/0
ap8132-711634#show env-sensor history
Current Time: 2015-06-20 14:08:01 UTC
     Sample-Interval          Motion    Temperature     Light       Humidity
                                          (deg. C)      (lux)         (%)
                                       ----------- min/average/max ------------
20-minute                       1         64/65/66      77/80        58/60/61
1-hour                          24        63/67/70      75/81        57/59/61
6-hour                          128       60/62/69      71/79        52/56/71
24-hour                         188       54/58/70      15/45        49/57/73
ap8132-711634#show env-sensor history 20-min
timestamp                 Motion    Temperature    Light        Humidity
2015-11-20 13:51:35 UTC     0           66          79            59
2015-11-20 13:53:35 UTC     0           66          79            59
2015-11-20 13:55:35 UTC     0           65          79            58
2015-11-20 13:57:35 UTC     1           66          80            59
2015-11-20 13:59:35 UTC     0           66          79            59
2015-11-20 14:02:35 UTC     0           65          79            60
2015-11-20 14:03:35 UTC     0           64          79            60
2015-11-20 14:05:35 UTC     2           66          80            60
2015-11-20 14:07:35 UTC     0           66          80            61
2015-11-20 14:09:35 UTC     0           66          80            61
ap8132-711634#show env-sensor history 1-hr
timestamp                 Motion    Temperature    Light        Humidity
2015-11-20 13:51:35 UTC     0           66          79            59
2015-11-20 13:53:35 UTC     0           66          79            59
2015-11-20 13:55:35 UTC     0           65          79            58
2015-11-20 13:57:35 UTC     1           66          80            59
2015-11-20 13:59:35 UTC     0           66          79            59
2015-11-20 14:01:35 UTC     0           65          79            60
2015-11-20 14:03:35 UTC     0           64          79            60
2015-11-20 14:05:35 UTC     2           66          80            60
2015-11-20 14:07:35 UTC     0           66          80            61
2015-11-20 14:09:35 UTC     0           66          80            61
2015-11-20 14:42:35 UTC     0           65          81            60
2015-11-20 14:43:35 UTC     0           64          80            59
2015-11-20 14:45:35 UTC     3           66          80            60
<DEVICE-NAME>#show env-sensor history 24-hr
timestamp                 Motion    Temperature    Light        Humidity
2015-11-20 10:10:20 UTC    27           66          80             60
2015-11-20 10:30:20 UTC    17           66          80             60
2015-11-20 10:50:20 UTC    17           66          81             60
2015-11-20 11:10:20 UTC    25           66          81             60
2015-11-20 11:30:20 UTC    24           66          81             60
2015-11-20 11:50:20 UTC    26           66          81             60
2015-11-21 08:10:20 UTC     9           65          80             59
2015-11-21 08:30:20 UTC     7           65          80             59
2015-11-21 08:50:20 UTC    12           65          80             60
2015-11-21 09:10:20 UTC    10           65          80             60
2015-11-21 09:30:20 UTC    15           65          80             60
2015-11-21 09:50:20 UTC    19           66          80             60