
The mespoint-device command configures an access point to use a defined meshpoint. To configure this feature use one of the following options:
  • navigate to the device profile config context (used when configuring access point profile on a controller)
  • navigate to the device‘s config context using the self command (used when configuring a logged on access point)

Supported on the following platforms:


meshpoint-device <MESHPOINT-NAME>


meshpoint-device <MESHPOINT-NAME>
meshpoint-device Configures the AP as a meshpoint device and sets its parameters
<MESHPOINT-NAME> Specify the name of the meshpoint to configure the AP with (should be existing and configured).


In the following examples, the meshpoint is applied to an access point profile.

nx9500-6C8809(config)#profile ap8432 testAP8432
nx9500-6C8809(config-profile-testAP8432)#meshpoint-device TestMeshpoint
Mesh Point Device Mode commands:
  acs          Configure auto channel selection parameters
  exclude      Exclude neighboring Mesh Devices
  hysteresis   Configure path selection SNR hysteresis values
  monitor      Event Monitoring
  no           Negate a command or set its defaults
  path-method  Path selection method used to find a root node
  preferred    Configure preferred path parameters
  root         Set this meshpoint as root
  root-select  Root selection method parameters

  clrscr       Clears the display screen
  commit       Commit all changes made in this session
  do           Run commands from Exec mode
  end          End current mode and change to EXEC mode
  exit         End current mode and down to previous mode
  help         Description of the interactive help system
  revert       Revert changes
  service      Service Commands
  show         Show running system information
  write        Write running configuration to memory or terminal

ap8432-070235(config-device-74-67-F7-07-02-35)#meshpoint-device test
Mesh Point Device Mode commands:
  acs          Configure auto channel selection parameters
  exclude      Exclude neighboring Mesh Devices
  hysteresis   Configure path selection SNR hysteresis values
  monitor      Event Monitoring
  no           Negate a command or set its defaults
  path-method  Path selection method used to find a root node
  preferred    Configure preferred path parameters
  root         Set this meshpoint as root
  root-select  Root selection method parameters

  clrscr       Clears the display screen
  commit       Commit all changes made in this session
  do           Run commands from Exec mode
  end          End current mode and change to EXEC mode
  exit         End current mode and down to previous mode
  help         Description of the interactive help system
  revert       Revert changes
  service      Service Commands
  show         Show running system information
  write        Write running configuration to memory or terminal


The following table summarizes the meshpoint-device configuration mode commands.

Table 1. Meshpoint-Device Config Commands
Command Description
acs (meshpoint-device-config) Enables Automatic Channel Selection (ACS) on this meshpoint device (access point)
exclude (meshpoint-device-config) Excludes neighboring mesh devices
hysteresis (meshpoint-device-config) Configures path selection SNR hysteresis values on this meshpoint-device (Access Point)
monitor (meshpoint-device-config) Enables monitoring of critical resource and primary port links on a meshpoint device
path-method (meshpoint-device-config) Configures the method used to select the path to the root node in a mesh network
preferred (meshpoint-device-config) Configures the preferred path parameters for a meshpoint device
root (meshpoint-device-config) Configures a meshpoint device as the root meshpoint
root-select (meshpoint-device-config) Configures this meshpoint device as the cost root
no (meshpoint-device-config) Negates the commands for a meshpoint device or resets values to default