

Defines the radio‘s location (whether the radio is deployed indoors or outdoors). The radio‘s placement should depend on the country of operation selected and its regulatory domain requirements for radio emissions.

Supported in the following platforms:


placement [indoor|outdoor]


placement [indoor|outdoor]
placement Defines the radio‘s location
indoor Radio is deployed indoors (uses indoor regulatory rules). This is the default setting.
outdoor Radio is deployed outdoors (uses outdoor regulatory rules)


nx9500-6C8809(config-profile-510TestProfile-if-radio1)#placement outdoor

nx9500-6C8809(config-profile-510TestProfile-if-radio1)#show context
 interface radio1
  data-rates b-only
  placement outdoor
  mesh client
  off-channel-scan channel-list 2.4GHz 1
  guard-interval long
  aggregation ampdu tx-only
  aeroscout forward
  ekahau forward ip port 3
  non-unicast tx-rate bss 1 dynamic-all
  non-unicast tx-rate bss 2 highest-basic
  non-unicast tx-rate bss 3 highest-basic
  non-unicast tx-rate bss 4 highest-basic
  non-unicast tx-rate bss 5 highest-basic
  non-unicast tx-rate bss 6 highest-basic
  non-unicast tx-rate bss 7 highest-basic
  non-unicast tx-rate bss 8 highest-basic
  non-unicast tx-rate bss 9 highest-basic
  non-unicast tx-rate bss 10 highest-basic
  non-unicast tx-rate bss 11 highest-basic
  non-unicast tx-rate bss 12 highest-basic
  non-unicast tx-rate bss 13 highest-basic
  non-unicast tx-rate bss 14 highest-basic

Related Commands

no (radio-interface-config-command) Resets a radio‘s deployment location