
Displays Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP ) related information


For more information on enabling dynamic LACP, see lacp (profile - inf - ge - config mode), lacp-channel-group (profile - inf - ge - config mode), and lacp (device config mode).

Supported in the following platforms:


show lacp [<1-4>|counters|details|sys-id]
show lacp <1-4> ([counters|details])
show lacp sys-id


show lacp <1-4> ([counters|details])
show lacp <1-4> Shows the LACP related information for a specified port-channel or all port-channels using LACP
  • <1-4> – Select the port-channel index number from 1 - 4. Note, LACP is supported only on the NX 5500, NX 75XX, NX 95XX, NX 96XX model service platforms.

If the port-channel index number is not specified, the system displays LACP counters and details for all port-channels configured on the device.

counters Shows LACP counters for LACP-enabled port-channels. When passed without the <1-4> keyword, the system displays LACP counters for all configured port-channels. However, if the port-channel index number is specified, the system displays LACP counters only for the specified port-channel.
details Shows details for LACP-enabled port-channels. When passed without the <1-4> keyword, the system displays LACP details for all configured port-channels. However, if the port-channel index number is specified, the system displays LACP details only for the specified port-channel.
show lacp sys-id
show lacp sys-id Shows the LACP related information for all LACP-enabled port-channels
  • sys-id – Shows the LACP system identifier and priority. This is the identifier assigned to the LACP peers (devices).


NOC-controller#show interface port-channel 1
Interface port-channel1 is UP
  Hardware-type: aggregate, Mode: Layer 2, Address: 84-24-8D-7F-35-C8
  Index: 2018, Metric: 1, MTU: 1500
  Speed: Admin Auto, Operational 20G, Maximum 20G
  Duplex: Admin Auto, Operational Full
  Active-medium: n/a
  Channel-members: xge1 xge2
  Switchport settings: trunk, access-vlan: n/a
    Input packets 5121052, bytes 807510883, dropped 0
    Received 5121052 unicasts, 0 broadcasts, 516544 multicasts
    Input errors 0, runts 0, giants 0
    CRC 0, frame 0, fragment 0, jabber 0
    Output packets 4804420, bytes 1053174746, dropped 0
    Sent 4804420 unicasts, 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts
    Output errors 0, collisions 0, late collisions 0
    Excessive collisions 0
NOC-controller#show interface port-channel 4
Interface port-channel4 is UP
  Hardware-type: aggregate, Mode: Layer 2, Address: 84-24-8D-7F-35-C4
  Index: 2016, Metric: 1, MTU: 1500
  Speed: Admin Auto, Operational 4G, Maximum 4G
  Duplex: Admin Auto, Operational Full
  Active-medium: n/a
  Channel-members: ge2 ge3 ge4 ge5
  Switchport settings: trunk, access-vlan: n/a
    Input packets 5848499493, bytes 8772550780653, dropped 0
    Received 5848499493 unicasts, 0 broadcasts, 120167 multicasts
    Input errors 0, runts 0, giants 0
    CRC 0, frame 0, fragment 0, jabber 0
    Output packets 362245, bytes 33129264, dropped 0
    Sent 362245 unicasts, 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts
    Output errors 0, collisions 0, late collisions 0
    Excessive collisions 0
NOC-controller#show lacp counters
Port-Channel     Interface                  LACPDU                Marker             Packet error
                                        Sent       Recv       Sent       Recv       Sent       Recv
pc1              xge1                  11548      12479          0          0          0          0
pc1              xge2                  11550      12469          0          0          0          0
pc4              ge2                   14081      14041          0          0          0          0
pc4              ge3                   15877      15874          0          0          0          0
pc4              ge4                   15875      15874          0          0          0          0
pc4              ge5                   14064      14052          0          0          0          0

NOC-controller#show lacp details
Port-Channel pc1 Interface xge1:
  Actor admin port key                : 1
  Actor oper port key                 : 1
  Actor port priority                 : 32768
  Actor port number                   : 2011
  Actor admin port state              : ActiveLACP LongTimeout Aggregatable OUT_OF_SYNC Defaulted
  Actor oper port state               : ActiveLACP LongTimeout Aggregatable IN_SYNC Collecting Distributing
  Partner admin system ID             : 32768, 00-00-00-00-00-00
  Partner oper system ID              : 32768, 44-03-A7-BF-00-00
  Partner admin key                   : 0
  Partner oper key                    : 1
  Partner admin port priority         : 0
  Partner oper port priority          : 32768
  Partner admin port number           : 0
  Partner oper port number            : 286
  Partner admin port state            : PassiveLACP LongTimeout Aggregatable OUT_OF_SYNC Defaulted
  Partner oper port state             : ActiveLACP LongTimeout Aggregatable IN_SYNC Collecting Distributing
  Receive machine state               : Current
  Periodic transmission machine state : Slow periodic
  Mux machine state                   : Collecting/Distributing
Port-Channel pc1 Interface xge2:
  Actor admin port key                : 1
  Actor oper port key                 : 1
  Actor port priority                 : 32768
  Actor port number                   : 2012
  Actor admin port state              : ActiveLACP LongTimeout Aggregatable OUT_OF_SYNC Defaulted