
Displays Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) statistics for all configured and canned applications. DPI is an advanced packet analysis technique, which analyzes packet and packet content headers to determine the nature of network traffic. When DPI is enabled, packets of all flows are subjected to DPI to get accurate results. DPI identifies applications (such as, Netflix, Twitter, Facebook, etc.) and also extracts metadata (such as, host name, server name, TCP-RTT, etc.) for further use by the WiNG firewall.


The show > dpi command returns results only if executed on a device that supports DPI and has DPI logging enabled. DPI logging can be enabled either on the device or on the profile applied to the device. For more information, see dpi (profile config mode).

Supported on the following devices:


show dpi [app|app-category|application|application-policy|per-category]
show dpi app wireless-clients stats <MAC> {on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>}
show dpi [app|app-category] stats [<APPLICATION/APP-CATEGORY-NAME>|all] 
show dpi application-policy stats <APPLICATION-POLICY-NAME> 
show dpi application brief
show dpi per-category stats <APP-CATEGORIES> [bytes-in|bytes-out|total-bytes] 


show dpi app wireless-clients stats <MAC> {<DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>}
dpi app wireless-clients <MAC> Displays application-related statistics for all or a specified wireless clients
  • <MAC> – Displays statistics for a specified wireless client. Specify the client‘s MAC address.
on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> Optional. Displays statistical data on a specified device or RF Domain
  • <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Specify the name of the access point, wireless controller, service platform, or RF Domain.
show dpi [app|app-category] stats [<APPLICATION/APP-CATEGORY-NAME>|all] 
dpi [app| app-category] stats Displays statistics for a application or application category
  • app – Displays statistics for a specified application or all applications
  • app-category – Displays statistics for a specified application category or all categories.
Note: The applications are the RF Domain member allowed applications whose data (bytes) are passing through the vWiNG managed network. And, the application categories are existing WiNG or user defined application groups (video, streaming, mobile, audio, etc.) that assist administrators to permit or deny forwarding of application data.
[<APPLICATION/APP-CATEGORY-NAME>|all] This parameter is common to the ‘app‘ and ‘app-category‘ keywords.
  • <APPLICATION/APP-CATEGORY-NAME> – Displays statistics for a specified application or application category, depending on the option selected in the previous step. Specify the application name or application category name.
  • all – Displays statistics for all applications or application categories, depending on the option selected in the previous step
on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> Optional. Displays statistical data on a specified device or RF Domain
  • <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Specify the name of the access point, wireless controller, service platform, or RF Domain.
show dpi application-policy stats <APPLICATION-POLICY-NAME> 
dpi application-policy stats Displays statistics for an existing application policy
<APPLICATION-POLICY-NAME> Displays statistics for a specified application-policy. Specify the application-policy name.
on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> Optional. Displays application-policy related statistical data on a specified device or RF Domain
  • <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Specify the name of the access point, wireless controller, service platform, or RF Domain.
show dpi application brief
dpi application brief Displays a brief summary of applications their status and configuration
show dpi per-category stats <APP-CATEGORIES> [bytes-in|bytes-out|total-bytes] 
dpi per-category stats Displays statistics for the top ten applications based on the application category and the Sort ID specified. The Sort ID options are: bytes-in, bytes-out or total-bytes.
<APP-CATEGORIES> Specify the application category name. The system displays statistics for the top ten applications in this category.
[bytes-in|bytes-out| total-bytes] Filters and displays statistical data for the top ten utilized applications in respect to the following:
  • bytes-in – Displays total data bytes uploaded through the controller managed network. If this application data is not aligned with application utilization expectations, consider allowing or denying additional applications and categories or adjusting their precedence (priority).
  • bytes-out – Displays total data bytes downloaded through the controller managed network. If this application data is not aligned with application utilization expectations, consider allowing or denying additional applications and categories or adjusting their precedence (priority).
  • total-bytes – Displays total data bytes (uploaded and downloaded) through the controller managed network. These are only the administrator allowed applications approved for proliferation within the managed network.
on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> Optional. Displays statistical data on a specified device or RF Domain
  • <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Specify the name of the access point, wireless controller, service platform, or RF Domain.


nx9500-6C8809>show dpi application brief
        This application recognizes DirectDownloadLink 1-clickshare
        Application Category   : filetransfer
        Predefined Application : Yes
        This application recognizes DirectDownloadLink 1-upload-com
        Application Category   : filetransfer
        Predefined Application : Yes
        This application recognizes DirectDownloadLink 1-upload-to
        Application Category   : filetransfer
        Predefined Application : Yes
        This application recognizes DirectDownloadLink 10upload-com
        Application Category   : filetransfer
        Predefined Application : Yes
        This application recognizes DirectDownloadLink 123upload-pl