
Configures WEP128 parameters

Supported on the following devices:


wep128 [key|keys-from-passkey|transmit-key]
wep128 key <1-4> [ascii|hex] [0 <WORD>|2 <WORD>|<WORD>]
wep128 keys-from-passkey <WORD>
wep128 transmit-key <1-4>


wep128 key <1-4> [ascii|hex] [0 <WORD>|2 <WORD>|<WORD>]
wep128 Configures WEP128 parameters. The parameters are: key, key-from-passkey, and transmit-key.
key <1-4> Use to configure the key number
  • <1-4> – Specify the key number from 1 - 4.
ascii [0 <WORD>| 2 <WORD>|<WORD>] Sets keys as ASCII characters (5 characters for WEP64, 13 for WEP128)
  • 0 <WORD> – Configures a clear text key
  • 2 <WORD> – Configures an encrypted key
  • <WORD> – Configures keys as 13 ASCII characters converted to hex, or 26 hexadecimal characters
hex [0 <WORD>| 2 <WORD>|<WORD>] Sets keys as hexadecimal characters (10 characters for WEP64, 26 for WEP128)
  • 0 <WORD> – Configures a clear text key
  • 2 <WORD> – Configures an encrypted key
  • <WORD> – Configures keys as 13 ASCII characters converted to hex, or 26 hexadecimal characters
wep128 keys-from-passkey <WORD>
keys-from-passkey <WORD> Specifies a pass key. The pass key can be any alphanumeric string. Controllers, service platforms, Access Points and their connected clients use the algorithm to convert an ASCII string to the same hexadecimal number. Clients without adapters need to use WEP keys manually configured as hexadecimal numbers.
  • <WORD> – Specify a pass key from 4 - 32 characters.
wep128 transmit-key <1-4>
transmit-key <1-4> Configures the key index used for transmission from an AP to a wireless client or service platform
  • <1-4> – Specify a key index from 1 - 4.


NOC-NX9500(config-wlan-test)#wep128 key 1 ascii 123456789abcd
NOC-NX9500(config-wlan-test)#show context
wlan test
 ssid test
 bridging-mode local
 encryption-type none
 authentication-type none
 wep128 key 1 hex 0 31323334353637383961626364

Related Commands

no (wlan-config-mode) Resets the WEP128 parameters to factory-default values.