dhcpv6-server-policy commands

DHCPv6 is a networking protocol for configuring IPv6 hosts with IP addresses, IP prefixes or other configuration attributes required on an IPv6 network.

DHCPv6 servers pass IPv6 network addresses to IPv6 clients. The DHCPv6 address assignment feature manages non duplicate addresses in the correct prefix based on the network where the host is connected. Assigned addresses can be from one or multiple pools. Additional options, such as the default domain and DNS name-server address, can be passed back to the client. Address pools can be assigned for use on a specific interface or on multiple interfaces, or the server can automatically find the appropriate pool.

The following table summarizes the DHCPv6 server policy configuration mode commands:

Table 1. DHCPv6-Server-Policy Config Mode Commands



dhcpv6-pool (dhcpv6-server-policy-config) Creates a DHCPv6 pool and enters its configuration mode
restrict-vendor-options (dhcpv6-server-policy-config) Configures this DHCPv6 server policy‘s DHCP option settings, such as enterprise (vendor ID)
server-preference (dhcpv6-server-policy-config) Restricts the use of vendor-specific DHCP options on this DHCPv6 server policy
option (dhcpv6-server-policy-config) Configures this DHCP server‘s preference value. This value is sent in DHCP server replies to the IPv6 client.
no (dhcpv6-server-policy-config)t Negates or reverts this DHCPv6 server policy‘s settings


For more information on common commands (clrscr, commit, help, revert, service, show, write, and exit), see Common Commands.


The input parameter <HOSTNAME>, wherever used in syntaxes across this chapter, cannot include an underscore (_) character. In other words, the name of a device cannot contain an underscore.