

Configures the 802.11n guard interval. A guard interval prevents overlapping of distinct transmissions. It provides immunity to propagation delays, echoes and reflection of radio signals.

The guard interval is the space between transmitted characters. The guard interval eliminates inter symbol interference (ISI). ISI occurs when echoes or reflections from one symbol interferes with another. Adding time between transmissions ensures echoes and reflections between successive symbols is transmitted. A shorter guard interval results in shorter symbol times, which reduces overhead and increases data rates by up to 10%.

Supported in the following platforms:


guard-interval [any|base|double|long|quadruple]


guard-interval [any|base|double|long|quadruple]
guard-interval Configures the 802.11n guard interval
any Enables the radio to use any short (400/800nSec)HT/VHT or long (800/1600/3200nSec)HE guard interval. Where HT and VHT are High Throughput and Very High Throughput respectively.
base Enables the radio to use base guard interval (400nSec)HT/VHT and (2LTF/800nSec)HE
double Enables the radio to use double guard interval (400nSec)HT/VHT and (2LTF/1600nSec)HE
long Enables the radio to use of long guard interval (800nSec)HT/VHT and (2LTF/1600nSec)HE. This is the default setting.
quadruple Enables the radio to use quadruple guard interval (400nSec)HT/VHT and (4LTF/3200nSec)HE


nx9500-6C8809(config-profile-510TestProfile-if-radio1)#guard-interval long

nx9500-6C8809(config-profile-510TestProfile-if-radio1)#show context
 interface radio1
  description "Primary radio to use"
  channel 1
  data-rates b-only
  beacon period 50
  beacon dtim-period bss 1 5
  beacon dtim-period bss 2 2
  beacon dtim-period bss 3 5
  beacon dtim-period bss 4 5
  beacon dtim-period bss 5 5
  beacon dtim-period bss 6 5
  beacon dtim-period bss 7 5
  beacon dtim-period bss 8 5
  beacon dtim-period bss 9 5
  beacon dtim-period bss 10 5
  beacon dtim-period bss 11 5
  beacon dtim-period bss 12 5
  beacon dtim-period bss 13 5
  beacon dtim-period bss 14 5
  beacon dtim-period bss 15 5
  beacon dtim-period bss 16 5
  antenna-gain 12.0
  guard-interval long

Related Commands

no (radio-interface-config-command) Resets the 802.11n guard interval to default (long: 800nSec)