

Enables a WLAN on this radio

Use this command to configure WLAN/BSS mappings for an existing access point deployment. Administrators can assign each WLAN its own BSSID. If using a single-radio access point, there are 8 BSSIDs available. If using a dual-radio access point there are 8 BSSIDs for the 802.11b/g/n radio and 8 BSSIDs for the 802.11a/n radio.

Supported in the following platforms:


wlan <WLAN-NAME> {bss|primary}
wlan <WLAN-NAME> {bss <1-16>} {primary}


wlan <WLAN-NAME> {bss <1-16>} {primary}
<WLAN-NAME> {bss <1-16> |primary} Specify the WLAN name (it must have been already created and configured)
  • bss <1-16> – Optional. Specifies a BSS for the radio to map the WLAN
    • <1-18> – Specify the BSS number from 1 - 16.
      • primary – Optional. Uses the specified WLAN as the primary WLAN, when multiple WLANs exist on the BSS
  • primary – Optional. Uses the specified WLAN as the primary WLAN, when multiple WLANs exist on the BSS


nx9500-6C8809(config-profile-510TestProfile-if-radio1)#wlan TestWLAN primary

nx9500-6C8809(config-profile-510TestProfile-if-radio1)#show context
 interface radio1
  rf-mode sensor
  placement outdoor
  mesh client
  rts-threshold 100
  wireless-client tx-power 20
  wlan TestWLAN bss 1 primary
  off-channel-scan channel-list 2.4GHz 1
  guard-interval long
  aggregation ampdu tx-only
  rifs tx-only
  use association-acl-policy test
  sniffer-redirect omnipeek channel 1
  aeroscout forward
  ekahau forward ip port 3
  non-unicast tx-rate bss 1 dynamic-all
  non-unicast tx-rate bss 2 highest-basic

ap505-134006(config-device-94-9B-2C-13-40-06-if-radio1)#rf-mode 2.4GHz-wlan
ap505-134006(config-device-94-9B-2C-13-40-06-if-radio2)#rf-mode 5GHZ-Wlan
ap505-13403B(config-device-94-9B-2C-13-40-38-if-radio1)#wlan wlan123 bss 1 primary
ap505-13403B(config-device-94-9B-2C-13-40-38-if-radio2)#wlan wlan123 bss 1 primary
ap505-134006(config-device-94-9B-2C-13-40-06)#show cont
ap505 94-9B-2C-13-40-06
use profile default-ap505
use rf-domain default
hostname ap505-134006
interface radio1
  channel 1
  wlan wlan123 bss 1 primary
interface radio2
  channel 36
  wlan wlan123 bss 1 primary
no adoption-mode
ap505-134006(config)#commit wr mem
ap505-134006(config)#show wi rad
RADIO              RADIO-MAC             RF-MODE    STATE   CHANNEL   POWER  #CLIENT
ap505-134006:R1    94-9B-2C-0E-88-80 2.4GHz-wlan     On   1 (    1)  14 (smt)  1
ap505-134006:R2    94-9B-2C-0E-88-90   5GHz-wlan     On   36 (   36) 16 (smt)  1
Total number of radios displayed: 2

Related Commands

no (radio-interface-config-command) Disables a WLAN on a radio