
Upgrades a device's software image

Supported on the following devices:


upgrade [<FILE>|<URL>|dhcp-vendor-options]
upgrade [<FILE>|<URL>] {background|on <DEVICE-NAME>|on <RF-DOMAIN-NAME>}
upgrade dhcp-vendor-options {<DEVICE-NAME>|on <RF-DOMAIN-NAME>}
upgrade dhcp-vendor-options {<DEVICE-NAME>} {<DEVICE-NAME>}
upgrade dhcp-vendor-options {on <RF-DOMAIN-NAME>} {containing <SUB-STRING>|exclude-controllers|
exclude-rf-domain-managers|filter <DEVICE-TYPE>}


upgrade [<FILE>|<URL>] {background|on <DEVICE-NAME>|on <RF-DOMAIN-NAME>}


Specify the target firmware image location in the following format:






Specify the target firmware image location. Use one of the following formats:
  • IPv4 URLS:
    • tftp://<hostname|IP>[:port]/path/file
    • ftp://<user>:<passwd>@<hostname|IP>[:port]/path/file
    • sftp://<user>:<passwd>@<hostname|IP>[:port]>/path/file
    • http://<hostname|IP>[:port]/path/file
    • cf:/path/file
    • usb<n>:/path/file
  • IPv6 URLS:
    • tftp://<hostname|IPv6>[:port]/path/file
    • ftp://<user>:<passwd>@<hostname|IPv6>[:port]/path/file
    • sftp://<user>:<passwd>@<hostname|IPv6>[:port]>/path/file
    • http://<hostname|IPv6>[:port]/path/file


Optional. Performs upgrade in the background


Optional. Upgrades the software image on a specified remote device

  • <DEVICE-NAME> – Specify the name of the AP, wireless controller, or service platform.

on <RF-DOMAIN-NAME> Optional. Upgrades the software image on all devices within a specified RF Domain
  • <RF-DOMAIN-NAME> – Specify the name of the RF Domain.
upgrade dhcp-vendor-options {<DEVICE-NAME>} {<DEVICE-NAME>}
dhcp-vendor-options Uses DHCP vendor options to upgrade device(s)
<DEVICE-NAME> {<DEVICE-NAME>} Optional. Uses DHCP vendor options to upgrade a specified device. Specify the name of the AP, wireless controller, or service platform.
  • <DEVICE-NAME> – Optional. You can optionally specify multiple comma-separated device names/MAC addresses to upgrade.
upgrade dhcp-vendor-options {on <RF-DOMAIN-NAME>} {containing <SUB-STRING>|
exclude-controllers|exclude-rf-domain-managers|filter <DEVICE-TYPE>}
dhcp-vendor-options Uses DHCP vendor options to upgrade device(s)
on <RF-DOMAIN-NAME> {containing <SUB-STRING>| exclude-controllers| exclude-rf-domain-managers| filter <DEVICE-TYPE>} Optional. Uses DHCP vendor options to upgrade all devices or specified device(s) within the RF Domain identified by the <RF-DOMAIN-NAME> keyword
  • <RF-DOMAIN-NAME> – Specify the RF Domain name. After specifying the RF Domain, optionally use the filters provided to identify specific device(s) within the RF Domain. If none of the filters are used, all devices within the RF Domain are upgraded. These filters are:
    • containing <SUB-STRING> – Optional. Upgrades all devices, within the specified RF Domain, containing a specified sub-string in their hostname
      • <SUB-STRING> – Specify the sub-string to match.
  • exclude-controllers – Optional. Upgrades all devices, within the specified RF Domain, excluding controllers. Since only a NOC controller is capable of adopting other controllers, use this option when executing the command on a NOC controller.
  • exclude-rf-domain-manager – Optional. Upgrades all devices, within the specified RF Domain, excluding RF Domain managers. Use this option when executing the command on the NOC, Site controller, or RF Domain manager.
  • filter <DEVICE-TYPE> – Optional. Executes the command on all devices, within the specified RF Domain, of a specified type
    • <DEVICE-TYPE> – Specify the device type. The options are: AP505, AP510, NX5500, NX7500, NX9500, NX9600, and VX9000. Upgrades all devices of the type specified here. For example, if AP510 is the device-type specified, all AP510 within the specified RF Domain are upgraded.


ap505-13403B#show boot
     IMAGE            BUILD DATE             INSTALL DATE          VERSION
  Primary       02/25/2019 16:41:26     02/26/2019 14:37:21
  Secondary     02/19/2019 19:13:49     02/25/2019 21:11:44
Current Boot       : Primary
Next Boot          : Primary
Software Fallback  : Enabled
nx9500-6C8809#upgrade ftp://symbol:symbol@
Running from partition /dev/sda7
Validating image file header
Removing other partition
Making file system
Extracting files (this may take some time).................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Control C disabled
Version of firmware update file is
Removing unneeded files from flash:/crashinfo directory
Removing unneeded files from flash:/var2/log directory
Creating LILO files
Running LILO
nx9500-6C8809#show boot
     IMAGE            BUILD DATE             INSTALL DATE          VERSION
  Primary       08/21/2018 12:02:07     08/23/2018 08:15:10
  Secondary     08/29/2018 12:23:18     08/30/2018 08:42:16
Current Boot       : Primary
Next Boot          : Secondary
Software Fallback  : Enabled
VM support         : Not present


After upgrading, the device has to be reloaded to boot using the new image.
The system will be rebooted, do you want to continue? (y/n): y

The following example shows the upgrade status:

ap8432-070235#show upgrade-status
Last Image Upgrade Status : Successful
Last Image Upgrade Time   : 2018-08-30 02:52:33
ap8432-070235#show upgrade-status detail
Last Image Upgrade Status : Successful
Last Image Upgrade Time   : 2018-08-30 02:52:33
Running from partition /dev/mtdblock6
var2 is 3 percent full
/tmp is 3 percent full
Free Memory 263192 kB
FWU invoked via Linux shell
Validating image file header
Making file system
Extracting files (this may take some time).
Control C disabled
Version of firmware update file is
Writing Kernel to /dev/mtd5
Checking if boot sector needs to be upgraded
Upgrading Boot Sector from 0 to 0
Writing BootOS to /dev/mtd3


Related Commands

no Removes a patch installed on a specified device